
Technical Articles


Virtual End-of-Line Test

Tooth contact analysis is an integral part of the gear design process. With the help of these simulation tools, it is possible to calculate the excitation caused by a tooth contact (Ref. 1). Usually, the load-free transmission error or the total transmission error under load is used for this purpose. However, the calculation with the tooth contact analysis ZAKO3D allows only a quasi-static consideration of the excitation. To better evaluate the behavior in the overall system, it is therefore necessary to perform a dynamics simulation. However, the main disadvantage of such dynamics simulations is the much longer computing time compared to quasi-static tooth contact analyses due to the high computational effort.


Control System Techniques—Dampers (Part 2)

Closed-loop control systems can handle a wide range of motions with a wide range of loads if the control system and the mechanics of the system are properly designed for the task. A couple of the more difficult combinations to design for are high inertial mismatches and backlash with hard gearing. The question is not just how to make the system stable but also how to get the desired performance. 


Control System Techniques—Dampers (Part 1)

Closed Loop control systems can handle a wide range of motions with a wide range of loads if the control system and mechanics are properly designed for the task. A couple of the more difficult combinations to design for are high inertial mismatches and backlash with hard gearing. The question is not just how to make the system stable, but rather how to also get the desired performance.


Ball Bearing Efficiency

I would like to briefly discuss some thoughts on ball bearing efficiency specifically in terms of applied load and resulting stress. I don’t want to trivialize this subject; there are textbooks written on the subjects of electrohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL), octahedral subsurface shear stress and friction losses due to elastic hysteresis. This is a just a high-level discussion on the importance of individual bearing stress on efficiency. 


UGRacing’s Gear Train Solutions from Combustion to Electric

UGRacing is the University of Glasgow’s Formula Student team. Since its inception in 2005, the team has been working to compete at Formula Student UK (FSUK). Over the last decade, the team has grown to over 150 members across ten disciplines. With a strong focus on knowledge transfer and iterative design, the team has worked year after year to develop new technologies and a more refined package. In 2022, the team saw a culmination of all their hard work when they placed first overall in FSUK with their final internal combustion vehicle. The following switch to an electric powertrain brought new challenges. Through the constraint of a new powertrain architecture, the team has explored and innovated drivetrain concepts which, in future years, will improve vehicle performance.


Pipe Threads: Standards and Compatibility

Have you ever been confused about pipe thread nomenclature? Have you wondered what is the difference between NPT and PT? What about BSPT? If you have asked these questions or similar ones, you’re not alone and this paper is for you! Several different pipe thread designations are used around the world, and some are equivalent or compatible while others are not. 


Holistic Assessment of Drive Systems with Gears, Shafts and Bearings Using Measured Torque-Speed Data

Verification of a drive system should include all main elements of the system, which are gears, bearings, shafts, and depending on the application other parts such as screws, couplings, and connections. Gears are clearly the most complicated parts for verification, but in many cases, a gearbox failure has its origin in a shaft or bearing failure. The subject of this paper is to explain how verification of a drive system based on measured or simulated torque-speed-time data can be handled. 


Flexibility in Gear Design


Use of Gear Reliability Data in a Cloud-Based Gearbox Digital Twin Using Telematics Data

For this paper, the digital twin refers to a digital asset that exists alongside the physical asset during its operational life, providing insight into and feedback on the physical asset’s performance and health. Thus, the focus is on the DTI, with the potential to aggregate data into a DTA for the gearbox design being considered, and within the DTE set up by Hexagon.

In respect of the physical asset across its life, nothing is more important about its performance than its ability to function, i.e., reliability, and for CAE, nothing is of greater importance than to be able to predict the reliability of a product being designed. Thus, for this study, whilst gearbox noise, efficiency, and thermal behavior may be of interest, the primary interest is fatigue and reliability.


Beyond Bearings: Unleashing the Potential of Ball Splines in Robotic Designs

When motion system designers need complex, high-speed, multiaxis motion, they might first think of elaborate, prepackaged robot arms. Or, if they need only a few axes, they might configure a separate profile or round rail for each axis. But hiding between those options is simple and proven ball spline technology. This multiaxis motion solution has existed for years and is still highly relevant to today’s complex motion schemes. Ball splines use a unique architecture integrating rotary and linear motion on a single shaft. This gives them more flexibility to implement complex motion schemes in tighter spaces, providing a two-for-one deal in motion control.


Designing Plastic Components for Power Transmission Engineers

Steel, iron, and aluminum are the dominant materials in the mechanical power transmission industry for good reason: high power density requires the high strength and stiffness of metallic materials. Plastics, however, offer valuable features that should be utilized for good gearbox design.


Spindle Bearings—Potential Damaging Mechanisms and Mitigation

Modern spindle applications of rolling bearings require very high speeds and very high loads, often combined with poor lubrication conditions and/or high solid contamination. Examples of these applications are high-speed and high-cutting rate machine tools, where rolling bearings need to survive very though conditions. Rolling bearings in high speed and high load conditions might suffer from poor lubrication and potentially surface distress and adhesive wear. 


A Shift in Bearing Architecture

Randy Stott, publisher of Power Transmission Engineering and Gear Technology magazines, recently sat down with Norm Parker, technical fellow and technical manager for Torque Transfer Systems at Stellantis, to discuss bearing technology during the Motion + Power Technology Expo in Detroit.


Precision Thread Rolling Process for High-Accuracy Lead Screws, Actuator Screws, and Power Transmission Components

Why use the rolling process to produce high accuracy lead screws, actuator screws, and other power transmission components rather than traditional cutting processes such as turning, grinding, milling, whirling, or hobbing? Rolling processes and cutting processes both produce a precise form on the workpiece. But if the form geometry, tolerances, and material selection allow, rolling is the process to beat. Speed, surface finish, fatigue strength, precision, dimensional stability, and material savings are some of the primary advantages realized when the rolling process is applied.


Derivation of Relative EHL Film Thickness

This report derives the equation for relative elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) film thickness. Mineral (MIN), polyalphaolefin (PAO), and polyalkylene glycol (PAG) lubricants with viscosity grades of ISO 320, 150, and 32 are analyzed.


Extending Inverter-Motor Systems Service Life

More energy efficiency, higher performance and better controllability are the main reasons why more electric drive systems are being operated with frequency converters. However, these devices can cause high-frequency, asymmetrical interference currents, which, as a current passage through the output and fan-side bearings, can cause damage and premature failure.

Current-compensated CoolBlue toroidal cores made of Magnetec’s nanocrystalline material Nanoperm have proven to be effective protection against such conducted interference and its consequences. In addition, the Nanoperm Line Absorbers NaLA can also be used to significantly suppress symmetrical interference currents.


Rolling Bearing Calculations with Considerations of Geometric Deviations

Rolling bearing calculations are usually based on the assumption of ideal nominal geometries. However, actual components and assemblies are always subject to statically distributed geometric deviations resulting from the manufacturing and assembly processes. This leads to changes in the internal geometric conditions which have an effect on bearing characteristics such as the service life. The FVA-Workbench makes it possible for users to consider these geometric deviations in bearing calculations for more reliable results.


Lenze Relies on the FVA-Workbench for Technical Sales

Technical sales personnel use intelligent features to select suitable motor-gearbox combinations and run calculations based on customer-specific operating data. This provides obvious added value for the customer. Service lives, safeties, and expected loads can all be determined in a short time. Maintenance of the underlying database and the use of simulation tools make it possible to quickly and easily perform technical calculations without having to rely on a central calculation department. In less than a minute, the customer is provided with a data sheet which includes reliable statements about the gearbox based on these technical calculations.


The Stribeck Curve

This review of Ref. 1 summarizes the conclusions of test data and numerical simulations showing that Stribeck curves for counterformal contact are different from Stribeck curves for conformal contact.


Ball Bearing Inner Ring Fits and Creep (Part 2)

Welcome back to Part 2 of our inner ring and creep discussion. We left off with our creep calculation resulting in a 10.5 µm minimum inner ring fit to avoid creep. For the sake of making clean dimensions, let’s call it 10 µm on the lower end and the upper end is simply whatever your manufacturer can hold.


On the Potential of High-Ratio Planetary Gearboxes for Next-Generation Robotics

The earliest example of a gear train dates to at least 2,000 B.C. when Chinese engineers built a chariot that used a complex planetary mechanism made of wooden gears to let a dragon head continuously point south when driven around (Ref. 1). In Greece, a surprisingly advanced Antikythera gearbox mechanism, incorporating at least 37 precisely crafted bronze gears, was built years later, between 205–60 B.C. (Ref. 2).


A Model for Considering Wheel Body Deformation in Tooth Contact Load Distribution

This study presents a simulation method for considering complex wheel bodies in an analytical tooth contact model. The wheel body is considered using reduced FE stiffness. Reduction points are defined over the width and linked with the analytical gear.

For cylindrical wheel bodies, comparative calculations show fewer deviations from the expected results with the new method. This is due to the additional degrees of freedom in the FEM model. In the calculation with cylindrical wheel bodies, bending due to axial force in tooth contact could also be verified in addition to the deformation in tooth contact and the influence of the shaft-bearing system.


Ball Bearing Inner Ring Fits and Creep

I think I spend more time talking about ball bearings today than at any other time in my career. Ball bearings have always had a large place in automotive, but not typically in high demand positions—other than a few niche areas. High demand positions, such as axles and planetaries, were typically reserved for tapers, needles and cylindricals. The landscape is changing quickly.


Thermally Safe Operating Speed—DIN 732

This article is Part III in a series of articles on speed rating of bearings. Part I appeared in the September 2022 issue ("Ball Bearing Limiting Speeds"), and Part II appeared in the October 2022 issue ("Ball Bearing Thermal Speed Rating"). Bearings with Norm examines the latest in bearing technology and design. 


Unconventional Gear Profiles in Planetary Gearboxes

Today, gearboxes are inevitable in numerous applications requiring high power density including wind turbines, electric vehicles, cranes, robotics, etc. A combination of high-ratio gearboxes with high-speed, low-torque motors is often used to achieve high power density. Planetary gear trains (PGTs) help achieve a high gear ratio in a compact arrangement. Several configurations of planetary gears are widely studied in this article where the gear profiles used in these studies are primarily involute.


Determination of the Longitudinal Load Distribution of Planetary Stages

The goal of increasing the power density of a gear unit demands that extraneous material reserves can be detected and reduced to the necessary level. In this context, it is important to know the influences acting on the gear unit and the resulting loads. FVA examines the precise knowledge of the longitudinal load distribution in the gear meshes during operation, and specification of suitable microgeometries for its optimization, play a decisive role.


More Than Just Motor Size

When your equipment calls for a right angle gearbox, proper sizing makes a difference. A wide range of application factors must be considered, or you will face problems down the road. Possible problems can include increased maintenance, worn teeth and reduced mean time between failure (MTBF). Additionally, an oversized gearbox will cost more money than necessary. This article will provide an overview of how to apply application information to accurately size an Andantex Anglgear right angle gearbox for your installation.


Noises in the Night


Ball Bearing Thermal Speed Rating


Reliable, User-Friendly Planetary Gear Unit Design

Stöber Antriebstechnik GmbH + Co. KG rely on the FVA-Workbench for dimensioning and verification of their drives. The calculation and simulation software allows Stöber engineers to develop their innovative gear unit solutions more quickly and efficiently. The result: higher quality products.


Ball Bearing Limiting Speeds


Design Takes on a More Holistic Scope

In the past, we designed motors and drives separately from the mechanical system, and then we integrated suitable components to make a system work. Increasingly, though, the design focuses more on the overall system aspect and system integration, which makes the design of customized components more challenging. In this article, we will use examples of specific software tools, and it should be noted that these are just that: examples. For many of these tools, multiple similar and good software packages exist that can be used.


Closed Loop Control of Hybrid Motors: When Is It a Servo?

A quick search of the patents issued, as well as a review of recent articles, shows a wide range of what authors call “servo stepper motors,” “closed-loop step motors,” “hybrid servo motors” and the like. Although the names may sound similar, the performance can vary quite substantially. Most of the “closed-loop stepper motors” are not actually servo motors! 


Using and Specifying Flexible Couplings

The technical division of AGMA directs the committees that develop and maintain standards and information sheets pertaining to the gear industry. Although often viewed as an accessory for gearboxes, flexible couplings are critical components of any machinery system, since they connect two separate pieces of rotating equipment. The Flexible Coupling Committee is responsible for 12 standards and one information sheet that are specific to flexible couplings. Six of those standards encompassing three subjects will be highlighted in this article.


Holistic Evaluation of Involute Gears

As well as evaluation of profile, helix and pitch deviations, harmonic analysis of measured 2D trace data is routinely used by some industries to control gear noise and characterize machine tool performance. Evaluation of 3D surface measurement data has not been investigated.


Improve Thermal Performance for Ironless Brush DC and Brushless DC Motors

Designers of motor-driven systems must account for thermal issues that can hinder a system's performance and efficiency.

Machine Elements - Shaping the Future through Continuous Evolution

Does Moore's Law apply to machine elements such as gears, bearings and mechanical components?

Stay "On-Track" When Selecting a Linear Guide System

Linear guide systems are perhaps the most diverse group of products in the motion control industry. Here's how to pick the best one for your application.

Influence of the Load-Dependent Center Distance

Considering the local flank parameters, such as pressure or transmission error, a significant influence of the load-dependent center distance can be observed. With the FVA-Workbench, the load-dependent center distance is always considered.

Open Loop Step Motor Error Sources - What Closing the Loop Corrects

A look at several Two-Phase Hybrid Step Motors and their dominant error sources, and comment on how the errors are overcome by true servo operation of these motors.

Coupling a Motor to a Load

With so many load types and motor types, there are many ways to couple a motor to a load.

In the Fast Lane with the FVA-Workbench: Formula Student Team KA-RaceIng

Cutting-Edge gearbox design software.


Linear Motion Components Take Flight in Aerospace and Defense Industry

Key advantages of linear motion components in aerospace applications.


Animatronics covers a wide range of applications, power levels and interfaces, as well as different actuator methods.

Another Thought: Brace for the Impact of The Washington Solution to Fix Climate Change

How it impacts our industries.

Design Reviews - What to Review and When

Try to gain as much advantage as possible when you do design reviews; they can result in greatly improved designs and can cut multiple iterations out of the process.

Low Noise and Transmission Error Epicyclic Gearbox Designs

Research has shown that the phasing of the planets in an epicyclic system can have a significant impact on the dynamic characteristics of the gearbox.

The Influence of Rolling Bearing Profiling on Rigidity and Rating Life

An explanation of the detailed calculation of rolling bearings in the FVA-Workbench based on consideration of the profiling of roller bearings.

Field Weakening - What, How, and Why to do It

Let's start with why field weakening is useful: it produces a wider speed range for a motor - with a constant torque at lower speeds and an almost constant power capability at higher speeds.

Joint Research and Simulation Software for an Optimized Rolling Bearing Friction Model

FVA Software bundles the results and knowledge from hundreds of research projects in one platform.

Problem with Disk Pack Coupling

I have a problem with a disc flexible shaft coupling that is used in screw compressors. This coupling is cracked and damaged after a short time, and the changing rate of this coupling is very high — about every 3 months. But as I understand from the machine manual, the coupling replacement may be every 8,000 hours or 12 months...

An Overview of Fretting Wear

The reasons of this failure, its consequences and mitigation methods.

How Reliable is a Reliability Calculation?

Bearing subsystem life and reliability explained.

A Ten-Minute Introduction to Digital Filters

Filtering is needed in various control and communication Applications.

Analysis of the Operational Behavior of a High-Speed Planetary Gear Stage for Electric Heavy-Duty Trucks in Multi-Body Simulation

The presented method offers a possibility or the quantitative evaluation of the operational behavior of integrated transmission systems.

Consideration of Dynamic Excitation Effects in the Gear Design Process of Two-Stage Gearboxes for E-Mobility

Consideration of dynamic excitation effects in the gear design of two-stage gearboxes for e-mobility.

High-Power Density Motors

On the tradeoffs between power density, efficiency and cost for high-performance, electric motors in choosing the most applicable technology for a specific application.

Efficiency and Heat Balance Calculation of Worm Gears

If torque conversion with high gear ratio, compact installation space and 90-degree axis-crossing angle is needed, often worm gears are used. Due to their high power density and sliding speeds within the tooth contact, frictional heat and thermal stresses are higher compared to helical, bevel and hypoid gears, and thus the thermal load capacity of worm gears is lower.

Rolling Bearing Performance Rating Parameters Review and Engineering Assessment

The main function of rolling bearings is to support load and transmit rotational movement with minimum energy loss. In order to achieve this, bearings are manufactured with particularly good quality fatigue resistance materials, proper design and tight manufacturing tolerances. Particular emphasis is put in both the macro, and micro geometry of the working shapes and surfaces of the raceways. Rolling bearings come in many types and sizes as ball and roller bearings for radial and thrust loads.

Keeping Drives Electrically Quiet: Ferrites, Shielding and Grounding

Motion control systems often combine high power drive signals in close proximity (or even within the same cable) with lower level signals, like encoders. You will often see ferrite beads added around cables; their effectiveness in minimizing noise is greatly affected by how they are deployed. This involves which signals are grouped, what are the drive characteristics, and how shielding and grounding are handled in the system.

Comparing Data Sources for Condition Monitoring Suitability

Condition-based maintenance requires detailed state knowledge, often acquired by means of sensors.

Various Coil Configurations Used in Coreless Motors

Three-dimensional finite element analysis (FEA) simulation and research from published information is used to compare the features of various coil configurations.

Hybrid Transverse Flux Magnetic Motors - How to Measure Parameters

These versatile, low-cost and high-torque motors may be used open loop or as full servos - and several levels in between. The motor stator laminate designs divide these motors into those optimized for full stepping, and those optimized for micro stepping and servo operation. These differences can be easily measured with basic meters and oscilloscopes. Motor to motor variations can also be easily measured, and motor inductance at nominal speed and current can also be determined.

Closing the Loop around a Transverse Flux Hybrid Step Motor

Transverse magnetic flux motors -- also known as step motors -- become Hybrid Servos when you operate them closed loop. This is the same transformation that happens between running a 3-phase synchronous motor from line voltage as opposed to running it closed loop as a brushless servo. In the case of hybrid motors, there are many degrees of what is advertised as "closed loop," and thus significant differences in the performance improvements seen.

Monitoring Concept Study for Aerospace Power Gearbox Drivetrain

Rolls-Royce is pioneering the UltraFan engine family architecture containing a planetary gearbox in a power range of 15 to 80 megawatts. To increase the efficiency of the UltraFan, a planetary gearbox is introduced between fan and intermediate pressure compressor. This enables running the turbine to rotate faster and allows a reduced fan speed.

FEM Analysis of the Load Distribution over the Face Width of Helical Gear Pairs Considering Deviations, Misalignments and Deformations

The load carrying capacity of spur gears may be calculated by ISO 6336 using influence factors. The face load factor considers the impact of the non-uniform load distribution over the face width. Even if the gears had perfect geometry, the load would not distribute uniformly along the contact lines. The face load factor depends on deformations of all parts of the containing gearbox and mainly of the teeth, gears and shafts as well as on manufacturing and assembly deviations.

Dynamic Behavior of Planetary Gears

In planetary gear systems of high power density and high gear ratio, helical gears create undesirable tilting moments on the planet gears; therefore, spur gears are still preferred for planetary gears -- a special challenge with respect to noise. Specifically, the different behavior of planetary gears with sequential and symmetric gear mesh is explained in this paper.

Combining Gear Design with Manufacturing Process Decisions

The integration of manufacturing information into gear design software reduces cost during the design process by avoiding time-consuming back and forth between the design and manufacturing departments. The challenging task for such software is ensuring the design engineer does not need specific manufacturing expertise. Otherwise he or she would be overwhelmed and not use such a feature.

Transverse Magnet Flux AKA Hybrid Step Motor Driver Techniques

The transverse flux permanent magnet motor -- also known as a hybrid step motor or hybrid servo motor -- has a wide range of performances, depending upon how you drive these motors, and whether you operate them in open loop or one of the many variants of closed loop methods you use. In this third installment we will cover some of the many ways to drive these motors, as well as how these choices affect the performance of these motors.

Limitations of the Timoshenko Beam Theory

FVA Offers FE Shaft Calculations in the FVA-Workbench

Phase Management as a Strategy to Reduce Gear Whine in Idler Gear Sets

This work explains why some idler sets produce so much gear whine. While transmission error must be managed, there is another tool in the gear whine management toolbox.

Improvement of the Noise and Vibration Behavior of an Electromechanical Brake Booster - an Integral Approach

The automotive world faces a tremendous change. Autonomous driving and electrification are two big topics in this context that are pushing this change. The demand for higher comfort, higher safety and tightened environmental requirements drive as well the technological change from former mechanical actuations to electro-mechanical systems in new vehicles. This can be observed especially for braking and steering systems.

Hybrid Transverse Magnetic Flux Motors - AKA Stepper Motors and Hybrid Servos

This is the first of a series of articles on permanent magnet transverse magnetic flux motors - AKA step motors. These articles will be covering the development history and the various drive technologies used with these motors - both open and closed loop.

Computing Gear Sliding Losses

As concerns surrounding the environmental impact of fossil fuels continue to grow, so does the need to produce vehicles with higher overall efficiency. The importance of enhanced vehicles has spurred drivetrain component manufacturers to study every aspect of efficiency loss in their products. The gearbox is a key contributor to the overall drivetrain efficiency.

Cost-Effective, High-Performing Motors without Neodymium Magnets - Part II

In Part I we explored various motor technologies used today for industrial and traction motor design. Here in Part II we will explore another motor option: reluctance motors.

Reliability Safeguarding for an 8 MW Wind Energy Gearbox in Serial Production

Prototype and Process Development Ensuring Stable Quality at the Highest Level

General Modeling Method of Power Losses in Transmission with Parameter Identification

In this paper, the models for different power loss sources in transmissions from literature are applied and compared, which form the two methods - ISO 14179-2 and the joint model to estimate the power losses in a transmission. A 2-speed transmission in an electric vehicle is used as a case study to compare the two methods and validate them with experimental data.

Validation Approach of PM Gears for e-Drive Applications

Key technical drivers which can be addressed by advanced PM manufacturing technologies are, for example, the need for system downsizing in transmissions and differentials, the need for developing systems with higher power density and the strong NVH (Noise Vibration Harshness) requirements - especially for electrified transmissions or e-axle solutions.

Gearbox Development for the Food and Beverage Processing Industry

How one gearbox manufacturer took an existing design and transformed it to meet the needs of this demanding environment.

A Model for Predicting Churning Losses in Planetary Gears

In the general context of the reduction of energy consumption and polluting emissions, gearbox efficiency has become a major issue.

Lubrication of Plastic Worm Gears

In the selection of lubricating greases for plastic worm gears, the user needs to know the influence of each grease constituent on the tribological performance in order to choose the appropriate lubricant. In this work, the effect of NLGI class, viscosity, base oil and thickener type are investigated separately regarding the efficiency and temperature close to the tribocontact. With the help of this contribution the user understands the effect of each parameter and learns about the potentially reachable efficiency and temperature ranges.

CFD Simulation of Geared Transmissions with Injection Lubrication

In this study, a finite volume CFD simulation model of a single-stage injection-lubricated test gearbox was applied to investigate its oil flow and no-load power loss. The results provide physically plausible information on the oil supply and its distribution.

Documentation of Gearbox Reliability - An Upcoming Demand

The proof of the reliability of a gear drive is now an additional requirement. In Europe, the acceptance authorities for wind turbines are requesting a system reliability proof from gearbox manufacturers. The AGMA committee reviewing the AGMA 6006 standard for wind turbines is considering adding a chapter about design for reliability. However, reliability considerations are not new; NASA, for example, was in the 1980s using reliability concepts for gear drives.

Pros and Cons of Different Bearing Lubrication Methods

For a maintenance crew, it is important to know which bearings need re-lubrication and make sure they are lubricating those bearings. The bearings can be lubricated manually or by automatic lubrication systems. This article will review each method and discover its pros and cons.

Experimental Determination of Oil Rheology Parameters to be Implemented in Power Loss Predictions of Gears and Rolling Element Bearings

Rheology models express the way tribological conditions translate to shear stress of the lubricant and friction force on the interacting surfaces. Due to the complexity of the lubricant rheology, the friction coefficient is usually obtained experimentally either under the same operating conditions or by curve fitting in a properly chosen friction map. The current study aims at determining the rheological parameters of a lubricant based on friction measurements carried out on a commercial, readily available ball-on-disc machine.

A New Test Rig to Study Rolling Element Bearing Thermomechanical Behavior

Rolling element bearings are widely used in mechanical transmission to reduce friction between two rotating parts. With the further development of the electrical motor in mechanical industry, REBs operate more and more at high rotational speed. For these applications, REBs power losses can be predominant in mechanical transmissions.

Efficient Layout Process of Cylindrical Gears with Manufacturing Constraints

Cylindrical gear design can be divided into three steps. In the first step, rough gear pair dimensions such as center distance and face width are being estimated. Center distance and face width are directly linked to the available space (housing dimensions) and influence the overall size, weight and cost of the gears.

Optimization of Power Density by Local Gear Failure Modeling

Power density is a key factor in gear design. Increasing the power density enables engineers to use smaller gears for their applications which lead to smaller and lighter gear boxes. The benefit for example for the automotive industry is less moving load in the vehicles and therefor a reduction of fuel consumption and subsequently a reduction of CO2 emission. The limiting factor for the increase in power density of gears is the material strength in regard to the critical failure mode.

Design Investigations and Indications for Acoustical Optimized Gear Meshes Using Plastic Gears

When it comes to a steel-gear mesh, there are several common standards and design rules on how to reduce noise emissions in the mesh. But if plastic gears are involved, this is no longer the case. The topic of this presentation is to highlight some of the differences between metal-and-plastic gear meshes, i.e. which design strategies can be stated as valid for metal as well as plastic and which are not?

Improperly Testing Belt Tension Can Easily Damage Small Motors

Most of us want to just instinctively squeeze a belt between a pair of pulleys to test the belt tension. What is not as instinctive is just how much force such a procedure can put on the shaft -- often significantly past the manufacturer's rated limits for small motors. This can cause damage to both the shaft and the bearings.

Thermal Analysis and Optimization of Gearboxes by Simulation

With the increasing mechanical power capacity of gearboxes, the thermal power limit tends to become the limiting factor. To achieve a balanced system, the gear unit needs extra cooling. Using a fan that is mounted to a fast rotating shaft is a common solution. For this solution an optimal design is investigated.

Integrated Hybrid Servo Motors vs. Standard Integrated Servo Motors

Different motor types favor different application areas. No single style has advantages in all application spaces. Direct drive applications favor hybrid servos while high-speed, geared down applications tend to favor the conventional servo motors.

Step vs. Servo - Selecting the Best

Over the many years, there have been many technical papers and articles about which motor is the best. The short and sweet answer is - let's talk about the application. More recently a number of papers and articles have appeared that compared each motor's advantages and disadvantages in generic or specific terms. Many times, the methods used to drive and control these motors are not completely described due to the many control schemes available for use. A few articles focus on just the open loop step motor and the closed loop servo motor advantages and disadvantages in a laundry list format. This article is attempting to "drill down" into the reasons why and to describe how it is done.

Smashing the Efficiency Barrier

A Practical Comparison of Planetary and Orbitless Gear-Heads.

Monitoring the Health of Plant Machinery

Health monitoring or condition monitoring has been used for many years on machines and in plants where the cost of an outage is high. It allows failures to be anticipated and maintenance or repairs to be scheduled for the least loss of production, as well as avoiding unnecessary periodic maintenance.

Influential Criteria on the Optimization of a Gearbox, with Application to an Automatic Transmission

In the design of an automatic transmission gearbox, the variation of one parameter can result in different system performances due to the strong interdependencies among all components. For given transmission ratios, component lifetimes and safeties, or space restrictions, improvements in efficiency, noise, and weight can be achieved.

Prediction of Heat Generation in Transmission Bearings by Application of FEM

Heat generation in bearings is manifested by the power losses of the transmission. Because of the rise in temperature due to heat generation, the appearance of dilatation adversely affects the bearings' geometrical characteristics.

Electrical Stress and Parasitic Currents in Machine Elements of Drivetrains with Voltage Source Inverters

Modern drivetrains with voltage-source inverters not only offer advantages like, for example, variable speed operation, increased efficiency and higher dynamics, but also an increase in failures caused by induced parasitic currents.

Holistic Simulation of Gearboxes - System Simulation

Gearboxes are important assemblies within mechatronic systems. During the design phase of such systems it is essential to know the gearbox behavior under consideration of dynamic interactions with its environment. Holistic system simulation helps the engineer to understand this and to improve, adjust, or optimize gearboxes and their application.

Finite Element Method Based Analysis of Planetary Gear Systems Considering Backlash and Manufacturing Deviations

The load carrying capacity of gear transmissions depends strongly on design, material and operation conditions. Modern analysis methods, e.g. finite element analysis (FEA), consider the above parameters with more or less sufficient accuracy. Yet it remains an ongoing challenge to account for backlash and manufacturing errors, despite a definite need to do so.

Thrust Cone Bearings Provide Increased Efficiency for Helical Gear Units at Moderate Speed Levels

Thrust cone bearings are an elegant option to handle the axial forces generated by the torque transmission in helical-toothed gear stages. They have proven as an efficient and reliable bearing concept for integrally geared compressors but are nearly unknown in other fields of gearbox engineering. The presented investigations consider three aspects which appear relevant to extend the field of possible applications for thrust cones towards gearboxes constructed with roller bearings.

Baldor Motor Basics: Part 12

The final installment in our Baldor Motor Basics series covers 50 Hz requirements, as well as motors wet or damp environments.

Baldor Motor Basics Part 11

Explosion-Proof Motors in Division 2 Areas and DC Drive Fundamentals

Design of Plastic Microgear Teeth for Mass Production with High Manufacturing Tolerances for a Medical Device

Microgears for some types of medical technology need to be inexpensively mass produced. But at the same time, they need to be both precise and reliable, even though their design lifetime is relatively short. Here's how microgears were developed for blood glucose measuring devices, insulin pumps for diabetics and other very small devices.

A New Standardizable Calculation Method to Predict the Efficiency of Worm Gear Drives

In this work a physically based method for the tribological investigation of worm gears is presented.

Understanding the Dynamic Influences of Gear Oils and Radial Shaft Seals

Sustainability is becoming one of the most important aspects within the power transmission business. Users demand low-maintenance drive systems with as little disruption as possible, and expect lifetimes of more than 10,000 hours. Approximately 40 percent of long-term gearbox leakages can be traced back to poor interaction between the radial shaft seal (RSS) and the lubricant. Thus, it becomes essential to analyze the tribological system as a whole, which includes the gear oil, seal grease (if required), elastomer material and design, and the shaft.

The Development of Worm Drives

A worm drive is a geared power transmission device in which a worm meshes with a worm gear to transmit power between two non-intersecting shafts that are oriented at a right angle. The worm drive has been an active and challenging topic of technological study since Leonardo da Vinci (1452-1519).

Progress in Rolling Bearing Technology for Refrigerant Compressors

Various surface treatment and bearing technology solutions are explored to solve challenging lubrication regimes.

Baldor Motor Basics - Part 9

Amps, Watts, Power Factor and Efficiency; Approximate Load Data from Amperage Readings; Power Factor Correction on Single-Induction Motors.

Vibration and Operational Characteristics of a Composite-Steel (Hybrid) Gear

Free vibration and dynamic operation testing of hybrid gears at NASA Glenn Spur Gear Fatigue Test Facility; hybrid gears are compared to their steel counterparts.

A Model for Shear Degradation of Lithium Soap Grease at Ambient Temperature

In this study the mechanical shear degradation of lithium-thickened grease was evaluated using an in-house-developed aging rig and a commercial rheometer. It was found that this grease loses its original consistency during aging and shows a two-phase aging behavior. In the first phase, primarily reorientation and breakage of the thickener network take place, resulting in a progressive drop in the grease's rheological properties. After this, the aging is dominated by the breakage of smaller fiber fragments and the grease degrades at a much slower rate.

Baldor Motor Basics: Premium Efficiency Motors

Conservation through lighting alterations using different bulbs, ballasts and light sources is well understood and easy to achieve. The use of improved efficiency three phase induction motors has not been as accepted. There are a number of reasons why conservation efforts with motors have not been as popular.

Fluid Couplings vs VFDs for High Inertia Rotating Driven Loads

As the old adage goes, "There is more than one way to skin a cat." In the early stages of any project, system designers are faced with choices; whether they are designing a new application or retrofitting an old one, they need to determine what is the most efficient, economical and practical way of completing the task at hand. Though there are usually at least two viable means to accomplish the task, the first step is always to review and weigh the merits of each option.

Baldor Motor Basics: Electric Motors and Power Systems and Electric Motors and Voltage

Part 1: There seems to be a lot of confusion about the voltage standards for motors and why they are structured the way they are. Part 2: The effect of low voltage on electric motors is pretty widely known and understood, but the effect of high voltage on motors is frequently misunderstood.

Baldor Motor Basics: Factors that Determine Industrial Electric Bills

A good deal of confusion exists regarding the factors that determine an industrial electric bill. The following information is presented to help sort out the various items on which billing is based, and to offer suggestions on measures to help control and reduce electric utility bills.

Rolling Bearing Service Life Based on Probable Cause for Removal - A Tutorial

A bearing service life prediction methodology and tutorial indexed to eight probable causes for bearing failure and removal are presented - including fatigue. Bearing life is probabilistic and not deterministic. Bearing manufacturers' catalogue (L10) bearing life is based on rolling-element fatigue failure, at which time 90% of a population of bearings can be reasonably expected to survive, and 10% to fail by fatigue. However, approximately 95% of all bearings are removed for cause before reaching their L10 life. A bearing failure can be defined as when the bearing is no longer fit for its intended purpose. For a single bearing, you can only predict the probability of a failure occurring at a designated time - but not the actual time to failure.

Baldor Basics: Applications

Fans, blowers and other funny loads are addressend, along with RMS Horsepower loading.

Determination of Load Distributions on Double Helical-Geared Planetary Gearboxes

Standardized calculation methods such as ISO 6336 and DIN 3990 already exist to determine the load distributions on gears inside a planetary gearbox, but by their very universal nature, these methods offer varying results depending on the gearbox design. Double helical gears, in particular, can benefit from more specific, complex algorithms to reach a maximum level of efficiency. Double helical gears interact with the rest of the gearbox differently than helical or spur gears, and thus benefit from different analytical models outside the standardized methods. The present research project describes the algorithm to determine the load distribution of planetary gearboxes with double helical gears.

Vibration Analysis Goes Mainstream

Using vibration analysis to evaluate machine health has many benefits, and with advances in sensor, recording, and analysis technology, vibration analysis is now within the reach of even small organizations.

The Hidden Cost of Incomplete Hydrodynamic Bearing Maintenance

Reliability and maintenance engineers can improve uptime and save money on both long-term maintenance and downtime costs by properly diagnosing and correcting bearing vibration issues when they exceed their acceptable limits. This requires inspecting the housing as well as the liner for wear, and replacing them as a pair when the housing is worn, so that wear-in between the mating surfaces can occur.

Performance Testing of Composite Bearing Materials for Large Hydraulic Cylinders

Large hydraulic cylinders (LHCs) are integral components in the functioning of large machines in mechanically demanding, corrosive and abrasive environments, such as offshore drilling rigs. The materials utilized in these largescale hydraulic systems must deliver reliable performance throughout their expected lifecycle.

Baldor Basics: Understanding Torque

In the process of applying industrial drive products, we occasionally are misled into believing that we are applying horsepower. The real driving force is not horsepower - it is torque. This paper is developed to impart a deeper understanding of torque, its relationship to horsepower, and the types of loads we most frequently encounter.

A Major Step Forward in Life Modeling

The SKF Generalized Bearing Life Model is (GBLM) an innovative new bearing rating life model that is designed to help engineers calculate bearing rating life in a more realistic manner. The new model is a major step forward for the industry and will play an important role in enabling OEMs and end users to better match bearings and applications, resulting in improved machine life and reduced operating costs.

Baldor Basics: Motors

This issue our Baldor Basics series continues with the topics of motor temperature ratings and metric motors.

Copper in Motor Repair Facilities

Three electric motor repair facilities share best practices for utilizing copper in motor repair, and recommending new motors to replace older, less-efficient motors

Baldor Basics: Motors

This issue we cover frame sizes and two-speed motors in our continuing series of articles, courtesy of Baldor Electric, dedicated to motor basics.

Lightweight, Highly Efficient Drive System

This paper presents a joint project conducted by Ashwoods Electric Motors and Oerlikon Fairfield that uses planetary drives with an integrated electric motor. Current solutions used in production of off-highway vehicles rely upon large, heavy and inefficient brushed DC or induction motors, coupled to a planetary gearbox. This presents a number of challenges to the vehicle designers such as: limited vehicle range, limited space around the motor/drivetrain, and motor durability. The proposed integrated system utilizes an Oerlikon Fairfield Torque Hub, widely used in off-highway vehicles, and the Ashwoods first-to-market, interior permanent magnet motor. How these products are integrated, i.e. incorporating a brake solution, represents a market-changing product. Using interior permanent magnet (IPM) technology in the motor design means the motor can be up to 70% lighter, 70% smaller and 20% more efficient than traditional motors used in off-highway traction applications.

Defining and Predicting Housing Strength for Mounted Bearings

Design engineers across industries rely on pillow block bearings for a variety of tough and unconventional applications. Having access to data that backs housing strength performance claims is an integral part of choosing the right bearing to keep operations running optimally. What design considerations must be made when the application demands a pillow block installation on a non-horizontal orientation? What happens when bearing load is not applied through the base of the unit? Timken answers these questions with physical testing, advanced modeling and real-world experience to facilitate the selection of pillow block bearings for specific applications.

Baldor Basics: Motors

Beginning with this initial installment , and with the gracious permission of ABB/Baldor Electric, we are pleased to announce the beginning of a new series -- Baldor Basics: Motors. This is a collection of basicsdriven, motor-intensive articles authored by former Baldor engineer Edward Cowern, PE, a respected name by many in the electric motor industry. During his tenure at Baldor, Cowern - now enjoying his retirement - was tasked with producing a number of motor- and basics-related tutorials, primarily in response to a steady flow of customer questions regarding motors. Today's customers continue to ask questions and seek answers to address their various motor-related issues. As with Cowern's original introduction to the series, we hope you find these articles useful and would appreciate any comments or thoughts you might have for future improvements, corrections or topics.

Better Energy-Efficient Flow Rate Regulation

Implementing a power-on-demand concept based on variable speed drives allows for energy saving in any application that involves pumps or hydraulic systems. And when used in combination with an intelligent wiring and communication system, relevant machine data can also be easily recorded - the basis for comprehensive power management.

ISO 281:2007 - Caveat Emptor

I was invited by Tom Astrene of TLT to write a response to the July 2010 TLT article (Ref. 1). My rebuttal — “In Search of a Fatigue Limit: A Critique of ISO Standard 281:2007” — was published in Tribology and Lubrication Engineering, TLT, August 2010 edition (Ref. 10). While this article is also available online, I will attempt to summarize the essence of my response.

How Does An Electric Motor Work

If you’re an electrical engineer you know how an electric motor works; if you aren’t, it can be extremely confusing. Therefore, here’s the simplified explanation (or the “how an electric motor works for dummies” version) of how a four-pole, three-phase AC induction motor works in a car.

Minimum Design Speed Considerations for Sleevoil Bearings for Industrial Fan Applications

Slow speed operation of fan systems within the air handling industry is generally performed due to two reasons: a coast down operation is required for hot (induced draft) fans to cool down before shutdown (often by using a turning gear), and operational efficiency improvements can be achieved during non-peak periods by slow speed operation using a VFD. In either case, when these fans are supported by hydrodynamic bearings, it is the oil film thickness developed from the bearing-shaft interaction that limits the minimum speed that can be maintained without causing premature wear and bearing failure. This paper will present a brief overview of lubrication theory and critical design parameters to achieve slow speed operation.

An Open-And-Shut Case: Greases for Gear Applications

For the lubrication of open gear drives used in different industrial applications such as cement and coal mills, rotary furnaces, or where the sealing conditions are difficult, semi-fluid greases are often used in preference to fluid oils. For girth gear applications the greases are used with a splash or spray lubrication system. The selection of such greases influences pitting lifetime and the load-carrying capacity of the gears, as well as wear behavior

A Model for Rolling Bearing Life with Surface and Subsurface Survival - Tribological Effects

Until now the estimation of rolling bearing life has been based on engineering models that consider an equivalent stress, originated beneath the contact surface, that is applied to the stressed volume of the rolling contact. Through the years, fatigue surface–originated failures, resulting from reduced lubrication or contamination, have been incorporated into the estimation of the bearing life by applying a penalty to the overall equivalent stress of the rolling contact. Due to this simplification, the accounting of some specific failure modes originated directly at the surface of the rolling contact can be challenging. In the present article, this issue is addressed by developing a general approach for rolling contact life in which the surfaceoriginated damage is explicitly formulated into the basic fatigue equations of the rolling contact. This is achieved by introducing a function to describe surface-originated failures and coupling it with the traditional, subsurface-originated fatigue risk of the rolling contact. The article presents the fundamental theory of the new model and its general behavior. The ability of the present general method to provide an account for the surface–subsurface competing fatigue mechanisms taking place in rolling bearings is discussed with reference to endurance testing data.

FZG Gearboxes Lubricated with Different Formulations of Polyalphaolefin Wind Turbine Gear Oils

In order to analyze the different gear oils suitable for the lubrication of wind turbine gearboxes, five fully formulated ISO VG 320 gear oils were selected. In between the selected gear oils, four PAO base oils can be found: PAOR, PAOM, PAOC and PAOX. A mineral-based oil (MINR) was also included as reference.

Alternative to Ni-Bearing Carburizing Steels

Standard carburizing steel 18CrNiMo7-6 is often used when high hardenability is required, but due to its highly fluctuating price, there has always been an incentive to develop Ni-free steel grades. The 23MnCrMo5-5-2 — or Jomasco 23mod — has been developed for this purpose. But to ensure smooth substitution within existing production lines, a number of points must be addressed: first, checking the response to carburizing treatments; and second, having similar mechanical properties with identical tooth root bending performance on gears. The latter is the purpose of this paper.

Acoustic Analysis of Electric Motors in Noisy Industrial Environment

This paper presents a method for the acoustic analysis of electric motors in noisy industrial environments. Acoustic signals were measured via acoustic camera 48-microphone array, which has the capability to localize a sound (or sounds) source and, in turn, separate those sounds from intrusive background noise. These acoustic analysis results are then compared with vibration measurements; vibration monitoring is a well-known and established technique used in condition monitoring, and in this work vibration measurements were used as a reference signal for assessment of the value of the acoustic measurements. Vibration signals were measured by piezoelectric accelerometers. Two induction motor cases were examined — a healthy motor case, and a combination of static eccentricity with soft foot case. As shown, acoustic analysis appears to be a valuable technique for condition monitoring of electric motors — particularly in noisy industrial environments.

Leaky Shaft Seals

conveying system on the varnishing line for a manufacturer of high-end kitchen cabinets were leaking. Oil was dripping on the cabinet parts — ruining the finish. Why were half of the gearboxes leaking?

Rating of Asymmetric Tooth Gears

Asymmetric tooth gears and their rating are not described by existing gear design standards. Presented is a rating approach for asymmetric tooth gears by their bending and contact stress levels, in comparison with symmetric tooth gears, whose rating are defined by standards. This approach applies finite element analysis (FEA) for bending stress definition and the Hertzian equation for contact stress definition. It defines equivalency factors for practical asymmetric tooth gear design and rating. This paper illustrates the rating of asymmetric tooth gears with numerical examples.

Metallurgical Failure Analysis of Power Transmission Components

When a power transmission component fails, it can adversely affect the performance of the assembly, often making the machine inoperable. Such failures can not only harm the reputation of the manufacturer, but can lead to litigation, recalls and delays in delivery due to quality concerns. Some failures can even result in bodily injury or death. Understanding why a part failed is critical to preventing similar failures from reoccurring. In the study of a failed part, the analyst must consider a broad range of possibilities for the failure. Although some failures can be attributed to a single primary cause, it is common for multiple secondary factors to contribute. The failure analyst must evaluate all of the evidence available to prepare a hypothesis about the causes of failure.

Powder Metal Gear Technology: A Review of the State of the Art

During the past 10 years, the PM industry has put a lot of focus on how to make powder metal gears for automotive transmissions a reality. To reach this goal, several hurdles had to be overcome, such as fatigue data generation on gears, verification of calculation methods, production technology, materials development, heat treatment recipes, design development, and cost studies. All of these advancements will be discussed, and a number of vehicles with powder metal gears in their transmissions will be presented. How the transmissions have been redesigned in order to achieve the required stress levels while minimizing weight and inertia, thus increasing efficiency, will also be discussed.

Gear Design Effects on Performance of High-Speed Helical Geartrains as Used in Aerospace Drive Systems

The performance of high-speed helical geartrains is of particular importance for tiltrotor aircraft drive systems. These drive systems are used to provide speed reduction/torque multiplication from the gas turbine output shaft and provide the necessary offset between these parallel shafts in the aircraft. Four different design configurations have been tested in the NASA Glenn Research Center, High-Speed Helical Geartrain Test Facility. The design configurations included the current aircraft design, current design with isotropic superfinished gear surfaces, double-helical design (inward and outward pumping), increased pitch (finer teeth), and an increased helix angle. All designs were tested at multiple input shaft speeds (up to 15,000 rpm) and applied power (up to 5,000 hp). Also two lubrication, system-related, variables were tested: oil inlet temperature (160–250° F) and lubricating jet pressure (60–80 psig). Experimental data recorded from these tests included power loss of the helical system under study, the temperature increase of the lubricant from inlet to outlet of the drive system and fling-off temperatures (radially and axially). Also, all gear systems were tested with and without shrouds around the gears.

Homogeneous Geometry Calculation of Arbitrary Tooth Shapes: Mathematical Approach and Practical Applications

This paper provides a mathematical framework and its implementation for calculating the tooth geometry of arbitrary gear types, based on the basic law of gear kinematics. The rack or gear geometry can be generated in two different ways: by calculating the conjugate geometry and the line of contact of a gear to the given geometric shape of a known geometry (e.g., a cutting hob), or by prescribing the surface of action of two gears in contact and calculating the correspondent flank shapes.

Effect of Assembly Errors in Back-to-Back Gear Efficiency Testing

As gear efficiency is improved in small steps, it is important to be able to distinguish actual improvements from scatter that can occur while testing. An FZG back-to-back gear test rig was used to investigate how the assembly and re-assembly of the same test setup affects the measurements. A spread in torque loss between one assembly and another of the same test setup were observed. Rig conditions also affected the spread in input torque. With knowledge of how the spread in torque loss varies due to assembly, test results could be distinguished between changes due to assembly and actual differences between tests.

Space Shuttle Rudder-Speed Brake Actuator

The U.S. Space Shuttle fleet was originally intended to have a life of 100 flights for each vehicle, lasting over a 10-year period, with minimal scheduled maintenance or inspection. The first space shuttle flight was that of the Space Shuttle Columbia (OV-102), launched April 12, 1981. The disaster that destroyed Columbia occurred on its 28th flight, February 1, 2003, nearly 22 years after its first launch.

Is Splash Lubrication Compatible with Efficient Gear Units for High-Speed Applications

A thermo-mechanical model of a splash lubricated one-stage gear unit is presented. This system corresponds to a first step towards the design of a hybrid vehicle gearbox that can operate up to 40,000 rpm on its primary shaft. The numerical model is based on the thermal network method and takes into account power losses due to teeth friction, rolling-elements bearings and oil churning. Some calculations underline that oil churning causes a high amount of power loss. A simple method to reduce this source of power losses is presented, and its influence on the gear unit efficiency and its thermal capacity is computed.

Recalibrated Equations for Determining Effect of Oil Filtration on Rolling Bearing Life

In 1991, Needelman and Zaretsky presented a set of empirically derived equations for bearing fatigue life (adjustment) factors (LFs) as a function of oil filter ratings.

Setting Techniques for Tapered Roller Bearings

Tapered roller bearings can be set at initial machine assembly to any desired axial or radial clearance. This unique feature enables a designer to control bearings to meet anticipated application operating conditions, and thereby provide optimum bearing and system performance.

Effects of Contact Ratios on Mesh Stiffness of Helical Gears for Lower Noise Design

In this paper, the influences of various gear parameters on the mesh stiffness are systematically investigated by using the finite element method. The comprehensive analysis shows that contact ratios are the key factors affecting the fluctuation value of mesh stiffness.

The Importance of Thermal Protection for Torque Motors

When talking about high-end machining or manufacturing applications that include direct-drive technology, one of the key advantages of utilizing this particular transmission method is its endurance. Because of the very nature of direct-drive motors they are able to operate at peak performance levels indefinitely — without any kind of wear or aging — as long as the motor isn’t pushed past its capacity. Unfortunately, because this isn’t a perfect world, unexpected things can happen which can cause the motor to overheat. Whether the heat source is due to a parameter being input incorrectly, or an unexpected external force causing more resistance than expected — it is important to have certain forms of thermal protection in place. Since torque motors are built in such a way that they cannot be repaired and yet maintain their efficiency, it is vital to prevent any overheating — thus precluding the need to purchase a new one.

A New Geometrically Adaptive Approach for Tooth Contact Analysis of Gear Drives

Tooth contact analysis (TCA) is an important tool directed to the determination of contact patterns, contact paths, and transmission errors in gear drives. In this work, a new general approach that is applicable to any kind of gear geometry is proposed.

When it Comes to Mining, Bigger is Best

One of the key challenges in the mining industry today is maintaining throughput in the face of ore grade quality that has declined by 40 percent in the last decade.

Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Frictional Losses of Radial Shaft Seals for Industrial Gearbox

The improvement of the energy efficiency of industrial gear motors and gearboxes is a common problem for many gear unit manufacturers and end-users. As is typical of other mechanical components, the radial lip seals used in such units generate friction and heat, thus contributing to energy losses of mechanical systems. There exist today simulation tools that are already helping improve the efficiency of mechanical systems — but accurate models for seal frictional losses need to be developed. In this paper SKF presents an engineering model for radial lip seal friction based on a physical approach.

Calculation of the Efficiency of Worm Gear Drives

This paper presents a physically grounded calculation method to determine the efficiency of worm gear drives. This computation is based on the Institute of Machine Elements, Gears, and Transmissions (MEGT) tribological simulation, which can determine the local tooth friction coefficients (Ref. 1). With this knowledge other power losses such as the bearings, oil churnings and seals power losses can also be calculated.

High Contact Ratio Gearing: A Technology Ready for Implementation

Today’s competitive industrial gear marketplace demands products with excellent reliability, high capacity and low noise. Surface-hardened, ground tooth gearing predominates, but the legacy tooth forms handicap further improvements in capacity and noise generation. Vehicle and aircraft equipment use tooth forms not found in the standard tables to achieve better performance — with little or no increase in cost. This paper will propose adopting these high-contact ratio forms to industrial use.

How to Get the Most Realistic Efficiency Calculation for Gearboxes

In recent years the estimation of gearbox power loss is attracting more interest — especially in the wind turbine and automotive gearbox industry — but also in industrial gearboxes where heat dissipation is a consideration as well. As new transmissions concepts are being researched to meet both ecological and commercial demands, a quick and reliable estimation of overall efficiency becomes inevitable in designing the optimal gearbox.

Mathematical Modeling for the Design of Spiroid, Helical, Spiral Bevel and Worm Gears

Spiroid and worm gears have superior advantages for hightorque and miniaturization applications. And for this reason they are particularly preferred in aerospace, robotic and medical applications. They are typically manufactured by hobbing technology, a process with a typical overall lead time of 4 to 14 weeks.

Four-Point Bearings Do Triple Duty While Saving Space

A four-point contact ball bearing makes it easy to simplify machine designs that combine radial, thrust and moment loads, because it can handle all three simultaneously. They are primarily used for slow-to-moderate-speed applications, or where oscillatory movement is predominant.

The Modified Life Rating of Rolling Bearings: A Criterion for Gearbox Design and Reliability Optimization

Engineers typically learn that the bearing L10 life can be estimated using the so called “C/P method” — or the “basic rating life” of the bearing, a method rooted in the 1940s. Major developments have since led to the “modified rating life,” released in ISO 281:2007, which includes the aiso life modification factor. In this paper a succession of equations used for bearing life ratings are reviewed, and current bearing life rating practices are discussed in detail. It is shown that — despite the introduction more than 30 years ago of the adjustment factor of the basic rating life, and the standardization in 2007 of the aiso modification factor — use of these improved calculation methods are not practiced by all engineers. Indeed — many continue referring to the old model as a way of seeking compliance with existing, established practices.

Precision Bellows Couplings

Bellows couplings first began to be widely used by machine tool builders in the mid-to-late 20th century. With the advent of CNC technology, machine engineers started looking to improve upon some of the negative influences traditional power transmission couplings can have on a precision rotary / linear motion system.

Gear Fault Diagnosis by Motor Current Analysis: Application to Industrial Cases

The use of motor current signature analysis (MCSA) for motor fault detection — such as a broken rotor bar — is now well established. However, detection of mechanical faults related to the driven system remains a more challenging task. Recently there has been a growing interest for detection of gear faults by MCSA. Advantages and drawbacks of these MCSA-type techniques are presented and discussed on a few industrial cases.

Gear Wear Calculation and Prediction

Wear is a very important topic for dry running plastic gears. Over the past few years, the authors have worked closely with a number of manufacturers of plastic gears to investigate the problems of gear wear in detail. Together they have developed a calculation method that can be used to predict where and when local wear will occur on a tooth flank. Their findings have also just been published in the final version of VDI 2736.

Desktop Engineering - How to Calculate Dynamic and Static Load Ratings

When comparing bearing suppliers, engineers are often left with few options other than to compare dynamic load ratings and corresponding life calculations. Of course, we can look at steel and manufacturing quality; but if we are comparing sources of similar quality, those items may not provide a large contrast. It often surprises people to learn that bearing capacities are calculated values, not tested values. Lately, however, a trend is emerging for bearing suppliers to increase their ratings for higher performance bearings that have premium features such as higher quality steel and specilaized heat treatment. Bearing companies are under intense competitive pressure to make every feature add to the dynamic capacity of their bearings because it is very well understood that an increase in capacity adds to the bottom line.

Variable Speed Pump Drives For Industrial Machinery - System Considerations

The changing landscape of hydraulic drives is leading many fluid power specialists to quickly adapt to using variable speed pump drives. Optimum utilization of these drives requires, in many cases, additional system design considerations.

The Applications of Bevel Gears

EDITORS’ NOTE: “The Applications of Bevel Gears” is the excerpted third chapter of Dr. Hermann Stadtfeld’s latest book — Gleason Bevel Gear Technology (The Gleason Works, Rochester, New York, USA; All rights reserved. 2014; ISBN 978-0-615-96492-8.), which appears here unabridged through the kind graces of Dr. Stadtfeld and Gleason Corp. Future installments will appear exclusively in Power Transmission Engineering and Gear Technology magazine over the next 12 to 18 months.

The Latest Design Technologies For Gear Devices with Great Transmission Ratios

Four types of gear devices with great transmission ratios (simply called great ratio gears or GRGs) are discussed in this paper. They are strain wave gearing devices (SWGs), trochoidal gear reducers (TGRs), hypocyclic gear reducers (HGRs) and James Ferguson-type planetary drives (JFDs). The structures, advantages and basic performances of these four devices are compared. The latest design and strength analysis methods are also introduced. To conclude, the future tendencies of GRGs are predicted.

Premature Bearing Failures in Wind Gearboxes and White Etching Cracks

Wind turbine gearboxes are subjected to a wide variety of operating conditions, some of which may push the bearings beyond their limits. Damage may be done to the bearings, resulting in a specific premature failure mode known as white etching cracks (WEC), sometimes called brittle, short-life, early, abnormal or white structured flaking (WSF). Measures to make the bearings more robust in these operating conditions are discussed in this article.

Made in China: A GM Engineer's First-Hand Perspective on the Chinese Roller Bearing Industry

Believe me when I tell you that — as a domestic automotive engineer — I bleed U.S. manufacturing. I have never lived more than 50 miles from Detroit,

Evolution of Worm Gear Standards and their Consequences on Load Capacity Calculation Approach

Beginning with a brief summary and update of the latest advances in the calculation methods for worm gears, the author then presents the detailed approach to worm gear geometry found in the revised ISO TR 10828. With that information, and by presenting examples, these new methods are explained, as are their possibilities for addressing the geometrical particularities of worm gears and their impact upon the behavior and load capacity of a gearset under working conditions based on ISO TR 14521 — Methods B and C. The author also highlights the new possibilities offered on that basis for the further evolution of load capacity calculation of a worm gearset based on load and contact pressure distribution.

Wind Turbine Field and Test Rig Testing as Part of the Design Process for Gearboxes

The growth of worldwide energy consumption and emerging industrial markets demands an increase of renewable energy shares. The price pressure coming from coal, oil, nuclear and natural gas energy - combined with enormous worldwide production capacities for components of wind turbines - make wind energy a highly competitive market. The testing and validation of gearboxes within the test rig and the turbine environment attract a strong focus to the needs of the industry. The following contribution sums up the typical process requirements and provides examples for successful system and component verifications based on field measurements.

Load Capacity and Efficiency of Grease-Lubricated Worm Gears

Varying installation requirements for worm gears, as, for example, when used in modular gear systems, can necessitate grease lubrication - especially when adequate sealing for oil lubrication would be too complex. Such worm gears are being increasingly used in outside applications such as solar power plants and slew drives. While knowledge about the operating conditions is often appropriate, the basic understanding for load capacity and efficiency under grease lubrication is quite poor. Investigations done at FZG and sponsored by FVA/AiF are shown here to give an impression of the basic factors of load capacity and efficiency. The results of the investigation indicate a satisfying quality of calculations on heat, load capacity and efficiency based on characteristic parameters of the base oil with only slight modifications to the methodology known from DIN 3996 or ISO TR 14521.

Dude - Where's My Preload

Many of us have been there; the bearings had the correct preload. You know it, you were there, and you personally saw the measurements. Now, the testing is done and the preload is gone. Not a little gone, not sort of gone - gone, gone. Finger pointing ensues. Suppliers are dragged in by their wrinkly Polo collars. You know the drill. Losing preload in a tapered roller bearing (TRB) system over the life of your application can be a troublesome problem, particularly for gear sets that are prone to noise or severe applications that rely on a very rigid and stable system.

Testing of Alternative Spiral Bevel and Hypoid Gear Theory

Following is a presentation of a gear design based upon a theoretically perfect gear technology, for which an overview is offered for consideration. What follows is a report on the design's testing and subsequent manufacture of a hypoid gear pair for a 1999 Ford Mustang.

The Reluctance Motor Springs Forth

There are three major types of reluctance motors: all three reluctance motors are non-permanent magnet, brushless motors. They are synchronous motors with a non-linear relationship between torque and current. The variable-reluctance step and switched-reluctance motors utilize the principle of magnetic attraction by inducing magnet poles within the soft-iron rotor, and by energizing a set of coils wound around stator teeth resident in the laminated stator. These two reluctance motors must be sequentially excited to achieve continuous, steady-state rotation. The design of all reluctance motors requires finite element analysis (FEA) software.

Tapered Roller Bearing Application Guide

This article summarizes some common hurdles, issues and questions encountered by the newer and casual users of tapered roller bearings.

Study of Multiple-Point Oil-Jet Lubrication of High-Speed Ball Bearings

The air-oil, two-phase flow inside the multiple-point, oil-jet lubrication ball bearing was studied based on CFD (computational fluid dynamics) theory and technique, and compared with single-point, oil-jet lubrication. The results indicate that the air-oil distribution inside the bearing with multiple-point, oil-jet lubrication is more uniform than single-point injection.

Brushless PM-Motors Speed Ahead

There are more brushless PM motors being made every day. These brushless PM motors are smaller in size -- i.e., less than 50 watts in power output found in hard-disk drives, CD and DVD players and many portable medical devices. Servo systems with brushless PM motors ranging from 50 watts to 50 kilowatts are now challenging the larger electric motor applications. A few manufacturers have pushed brushless PM motors above 200 kW.

Gear Lubrication: Long-Term Protection for Wind Turbines

The chemical and physical properties of gear oils may change, depending - more or less - upon their formulation and the environmental conditions under which they are used. This is why - after three years of use in a wind turbine - a gear oil was examined to determine if indeed changes were evident and if the protection of the gears and rolling bearings still met the same requirements as would be expected of fresh oil. Our findings revealed that the existing gear oil - as well as its ability to protect the gears and rolling bearings - had degraded very little compared to fresh oil.

The Step Motor

Step motors come in many sizes and shapes. But they all share one item in common - each step motor type moves in discrete-degree steps. They react to a series of voltage pulses supplied by their basic controller, known as an "indexer." The step motor was the first to accept digital pulses, then move or rotate a prescribed amount without any feedback device. All step motors are position devices without the need to use any feedback devices. They operate primarily in an open-loop control scheme.

Investigations of Bearing Failures Associated with White Etching Areas (WEAs) in Wind Turbine Gearboxes

A critical problem for wind turbine gearboxes is failure of rolling element bearings where axial cracks form on the inner rings. This article presents field experience from operating wind turbines that compares the performance of through-hardened and carburized materials. It reveals that through-hardened bearings develop WEA/WECs and fail with axial cracks, whereas carburized bearings do not. The field experience further shows that a carburized bearing with a core having low carbon content, high nickel content, greater compressive residual stresses, and a higher amount of retained austenite provides higher fracture resistance and makes carburized bearings more durable than through-hardened bearings in the wind turbine environment.

Gears for Hydraulic Pumps: Development and Results

After a brief introduction to the importance of gear pumps in internal combustion engines, as well as in the most diverse hydraulic applications, a calculation method was applied that allows for sizing with considerably higher delivery rates. Upon identifying and analyzing a traditional pump, along with two construction solutions of asymmetric gear pumps, we then compared their related performances.

Best Practices for Gearbox Assembly and Disassembly

In most applications, gearbox reliability is critical to the productivity of the overall plant operation. So it follows that when industry is looking at the best ways to increase efficiency, reduce downtime, and increase profitability, gearbox performance and reliability are key factors. Designing for repair, and writing effective repair procedures, can speed the service time, and provide a quality refurbishment. The best practices listed in this article are proven, effective methods used to install and remove bearings, seals, gears, couplings and shafts within a gearbox.

Specifying a Gear - Ask the Expert

A reader asks what are the required parameters to properly specify a gear.

How to Spec a Mill Gear

This paper outlines the design considerations that go into construction of a drive system in order to explain the importance of specific data, why it is required, and where design freedom is necessary. Apart from loads and speeds, interface dimensions and site specific conditions are also needed. Deciding up front which gear rating practice to select can affect the torque capacity of the drive train by ~15%.

Influence of Gear Loads on Spline Couplings

Involute splines are commonly used in gearboxes to connect gears and shafts, especially when high torque is transmitted through the coupling. The load is shared among multiple teeth around the coupling circumference, resulting in higher load capacity than a conventional single key. However, the total load is not equally shared among all spline teeth, mainly because of pitch deviations resulting from the manufacturing process. The load distribution along the spline engagement length is also nonuniform because of tooth misalignments and shaft torsional effects. This paper presents an investigation of the influence of spur gear loads on the load distribution of spline teeth.

How To Use a Hand-Held Micrometer to Measure Miniature and Instrument Ball Bearings

For the most accurate measurements, miniature and instrument ball bearing dimensions should be measured with a calibrated air gauge. A good second option is a calibrated optical comparator. On occasion, it may be necessary to use a calibrated, hand-held micrometer to double-check a measurement or for simple verification while working in the field.

Crowning Spur Teeth - Ask the Expert - December 2013 PTE

When designing spur teeth, is there a formula/guideline/design guide for determining the amount of crowning?

The Workhorse of Industry: The Induction Motor

A brief overview of the induction motor, including the basics of construction, performance and variable speed drives.

Inexpensive Methods to Measure the Performance Characteristics of a Linear Motion Device

This article describes a series of tests that can be performed by the average user, with little experience, and without sophisticated measuring instruments, to quickly determine the most important performance characteristics of linear motion systems.

Should You Pay a Premium for a Mounted Ball Bearing

Mounted ball bearings are everywhere in industrial applications. They serve critical roles in keeping a manufacturing operation running smoothly and in ensuring that equipment functions properly and reliably. So why might it be advisable to spend significantly more for a dimensionally comparable bearing from one supplier versus another?

Microstepping Tutorial

This article describes the challenges involved in designing and implementing microstepping systems.

Drive and Motor Basics

A discussion of the basics in DC drives, DC motors, AC drives, AC motors and synchronous motors.

How to Design a Spur-Crown Gear Set

When designing a spur-crown pair, is there a formula, guideline or design guide for adapting the spur teeth for the radial angle of the teeth in the crown?

Grease Lubrication Mechanisms in Rolling Bearing Systems

Grease lubrication has clear advantages over oil lubrication: Grease does not leak easily; it has sealing properties; and it protects bearing surfaces from corrosion. Its disadvantages are grease-life limitations and a limited cooling ability. Moreover, in some applications there is a risk of grease starvation, which leads to reduced lubricating films. However, if the right grease, sealing system and/or lubrication system are chosen, then grease lubrication offers clear benefits. This article summarizes aspects of grease lubrication mechanisms in rolling bearings.

Preventing Fretting Fatigue in Blade Dovetail Roots by Modifying Geometry of Contact Surfaces

Dovetails, gears and splines have been widely used in aero engines where fretting is an important failure mode due to loading variation and vibration during extended service. Failure caused by fretting fatigue becomes a prominent issue when service time continues beyond 4,000 hours. In some cases, microslip at the edge of a contact zone can reduce the life by as much as 40–60 percent.

Brush DC Motor Runs Along

Everything started in 1800 when Volta developed the first DC battery. Faraday used the DC battery to develop the first electric motor. It used brushes to transfer the battery voltage and current to the rotating disk rotor. This was in mid-1831. Thus was born the brush DC motor.

Power Loss and Axial Load Carrying Capacity of Radial Cylindrical Roller Bearings

This paper is intended to enlarge the application range of radial cylindrical roller bearings by means of a more precise determination of thrust load capacity and more cost-effective design.

DC Motor Protection

The purpose of DC motor protection is to extend a motor's lifespan by protecting it from conditions that can damage the motor's windings--both electrically and mechanically.

Alloying Strategy Boosts Powertrain Performance

The development of a new, gas-carburized gear steel, necessitated by a customer-driven specification, has not only increased the power density in an existing gearbox design, but has done so without requiring any significant change to production processes or heat treatment equipment.

Electrical and Mechanical Torque Limiting

Q&A: My company manufactures high-speed metal forming machines. We have one application on a feed axis where we are encountering problems with the coupling...

Trends in Industrial Gear Oils

With today's smaller, hotter - and overloaded - machinery, specifying the correct lubricant is vital.

Rolling Bearing Steels - A Technical and Historical Perspective, Part 2

This paper is part 2 of 2 in a series that summarizes the chemical, metallurgical and physical aspects of bearing steels and their effect on rolling bearing life and reliability.

Considering Energy-Efficient Motors: Don't Forget the Gearbox

The mechanical components of your drive system play a major role in overall system efficiency. Don't cut corners.

Rolling Bearing Steels - A Technical and Historical Perspective - Part 1

This paper summarizes the chemical, metallurgical and physical aspects of bearing steels and their effect on rolling bearing life and reliability.

Designing Drive Systems for Low-Web-Speed Applications

This paper will look at the solutions that current drive and motor technology can offer in not only improving tension control but also solving several other issues that are inherent to systems with high ratio gearing.

Calculating Inner Race Diameter

In this Ask the Expert article, Hans Wendeberg from SKF discusses some of the things you need to know when calculating bearing diameters.

Effective Management Can Reduce Energy Costs Millwide

It’s as true in pulp and paper as it is in many other industries: the continued rise in energy prices has put a squeeze on margin and profits. Papermakers know that to maintain margin, they must effectively manage their energy costs.

Selecting and Sizing Ball Screw Drives

The ball screw drive is an assembly that converts rotary motion to linear motion and vice versa. The ball screw drive consists of a ball screw and a ball nut with recirculating ball bearings...

High-Frequency, GaN Diode-Free Motor Drive Inverter with Pure Sine Wave Output

This article presents the first kW-Class, 3-phase GaN-based inverter. Hard-switched at 100-kHz PWM, its heart is a 6-in-1 power module with 600-V GaN power HEMTs, achieving a new efficiency of 98.5%, a more than 2% improvement.

Sleeve Bearings or Tilting Pad Bearings - Ask the Expert

A reader asks whether sleeve bearings can take the place of more expensive tilting pad bearings in a high-speed compressor application.

Wear-Resistant Bearings

More than a decade of intensive research and development has resulted in two new technologies that, when used in combination, expand the performance of rolling element bearings well beyond previous limits.

Bearing Protection Needed if Inverter-Duty Motors Are to Live up to their Name

All major manufacturers of 3-phase AC induction motors offer "inverter-duty" or "inverter-ready” models, but while these motors have inverter-rated insulation to protect the windings, the bearings--their most vulnerable parts--are too often ignored.

Rolling Bearings in High-Speed Passenger Traffic

Passenger transport today moves significantly faster than ever before, often operating on separate tracks especially designed for high-speed trains. Accordingly, high-speed rolling bearings are very important components in the bogies of trains today. Maximum train speeds currently reach 380 km/h (236 mph) in the latest high-speed applications - 80% higher than in the earlier days of high-speed traffic. This paper presents two application examples of modern, high-speed traffic, together with some typical bearing arrangements and housings. It provides insight regarding measures taken in the bearing industry to meet the requirements of contemporary, high-speed traffic, and it cites important standards and regulations applicable for - but not restricted to - European applications. To be precise, the focus here is on journal bearings; information on traction motor bearings, transmission bearings and housings is included, but described in less detail.

Improved Performance for Hydraulic Seals from Thermoplastic Polyurethane

Seal design engineers and end users are continually seeking improved sealing systems and materials. This paper describes the potential of a new thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) material to deliver improvements in pressure, speed and temperature capability, which are presented as comparisons to proven industry standard materials. Performance is demonstrated by virtue of test bench results of seals made from MDI-, PPDI- and NDI-based materials.

University Improves Sustainability of HVAC Motors in Platinum LEED Building

A new preventive maintenance program at a leading New England Ivy League university demonstrates how the push for more sustainable "green" building management has led to a growing awareness of a chronic, widespread problem with HVAC motors—electrical bearing damage and failure.

Gearbox Bearing Service Life: A Matter of Mastering Many Design Parameters

The availability of high-strength shaft materials, in combination with bearings with high carrying capacity, allows use of slimmer shafts. However, the modulus of elasticity remains the same, so seat design for bearings and gears must be given close attention.

Achieving High Electric Motor Efficiency

The use of motor structures which can concentrate magnetic flux allows ferrite PM motors to achieve performance and power densities that approach those of PM motors using rare earth magnets, but without the cost penalties and supply source concerns of rare earth magnets.

Guidelines for Designing Better Motion Control Systems

Motion control systems engineers work chiefly in two well-defined areas: 1) new designs and 2) redesigns or retrofits. This article examines the best approach for each option.

Applying Open Gear Lubricants

When selecting an open gear lubricant for use in a particular application, the method of application used must be considered.

Optimizing Drive Systems for Energy Savings

In looking for potential opportunities to reduce energy consumption via the drive system, a number of areas should be considered.

Application of Ceramics to NU-Type Cylindrical Roller Bearings for Machine Tool Main Spindles

Bearings used to support main spindles on machine tools must be capable of higher speed and greater rigidity. This is true in that any main spindle that turns together with a tool or work piece mounted onto it is one of the critical machine tool components that directly affects machining efficiency and accuracy of the machine tool; and, the bearings that support the main spindle are the most critical machine elements on the machine tool.

Often Overlooked, Lubricants Can Help Lower Energy Consumption

It is a simple fact: better lubrication can lead to dramatic energy savings and an improved bottom line. This ought to interest any plant manager who is looking for ways to reduce operating costs, and it is especially significant at a time when stricter government regulations are in direct contradiction to reducing costs. Lubrication reliability is the solution; this article will describe how manufacturing plants can use “lubrication reliability best-practices” to reduce their energy consumption, emissions and operating costs—all at the same time.

Best Practices for Selecting and Sizing Guide Wheels

How to select a guide wheel with the properties best-suited for a given application to create a system that reduces design costs and engineering changes, and lowers warranty, assembly, installation and mounting costs.

Step Motor Lower-Loss Technology - an Update

The demand for stepping motors with high efficiency and low losses has been increasing right along with the existing focus on high torque. The selection of the most suitable grade and improvement in the fastening of the laminated cores has reduced losses significantly at their peak when compared to conventional stepping motors.

Motoring Ahead

Synchronous motors controlled by variable speed drives are bringing higher efficiencies to industrial applications.

Gear Drive Selection Process for the Parcel Handling Industry

This article is designed to help describe the selection process of a reducer to be used in the parcel handling industry. It will go over the different applications for which gearboxes are used throughout parcel handling facilities such as UPS, FedEx and DHL.

Radial Play (Internal Clearance in Ball Bearings)

At first glance, ball bearings are relatively simple mechanisms. However, an analysis of their internal geometries reveals that they are quite complex. For example, the ball to raceway conformity, the radial play, and the number of balls all impact the ability of a ball bearing to support loads under a variety of conditions.

Integrated Motion Control in Packaging Machines Delivers Value

Maximizing packaging machine productivity and performance is imperative to success and is driving OEMs to adopt and invest in the latest technologies that can meet their customers’ challenges. At the forefront of these performance-driven technologies is an integrated control system—or programmable automation controller (PAC)—and latest-generation motion solutions.

Soft Starters vs. Variable Speed - Or Both

Given that many different hydraulic systems recommend the use of either frequency converters or cyclic control (soft starter technologies), the question must be asked - Which one of these solutions is the most cost-effective in reducing energy consumption and providing the most satisfactory payback time?

Tuning a PID Controller

This paper introduces the basic fundamentals of proportional-integral-derivative (PID) control theory and the characteristics of each of the PID control loops.

Development of the Upgraded DC Brush Gearmotor for Spacebus Platforms

The obsolescence of materials and processes in the manufacture of traditional DC brush gearmotors has necessitated the development of an upgraded DC brush gearmotor.

Opportunities Amidst Crises

Energy-challenged industries--and countries--can benefit from improved motor design and materials.

Airport Baggage Handling: Queue Conveyor Design from a Gearmotor Perspective

The primary driver of an airport baggage handling queue conveyor must be able to operate under increasingly demanding operating conditions, including frequent starting and stopping. The selection of the primary driver of the queue conveyor is dependent on multiple criteria, including dimensional requirements and durability characteristics.

Not All Thin-Section Bearings Are Created Equal

American Bearing Manufacturers Association (ABMA) Standard 9 and ISO 281 give equations for calculating the basic dynamic radial load rating for ball bearings. These equations are based on a number of assumptions, many of which are not valid for thin-section bearings. (Thin-section bearings are described in ABMA standard 26.2.) Nevertheless, many thin-section bearing catalogs report load ratings based on these equations. Kaydon has developed a new method for calculating the dynamic radial load rating for thin-section ball bearings. The new method uses the contact stress and the number of stress-cycles-per-revolution to calculate the capacity. The new numbers are based on five years of actual test results. These equations can also be used to calculate the dynamic radial load rating for four-point contact ball bearings, which are not covered in ABMA standard 9 or ISO 281.

A Present State and Future Vision of Motor Drive Technology

One of the driving forces behind the industrial revolution was the invention—more than a century ago—of the electric motor. Its widespread use for all kinds of mechanical motion has made life simpler and has ultimately aided the advancement of humankind. And the advent of the inverter that facilitated speed and torque control of AC motors has propelled the use of electric motors to new realms that were inconceivable just a mere 30 years ago. Advances in power semiconductors—along with digital controls—have enabled realization of motor drives that are robust and can control position and speed to a high degree of precision. The use of AC motor drives has also resulted in energy savings and improved system efficiency. This paper reviews the development and application of inverter technology to AC motor drives and presents a vision for motor drive technology.

Development of an Actuator for Ambient to Cryo Application

During the qualification campaign of the NIRSpec (near-infrared spectrometer) instrument mechanism, the actuator could not achieve the expected lifetime that had been extended during the development phase. The initial design could not be adapted to the requested number of revolutions during that phase. Consequently the actuator needed to be modified so that the function of the mechanism would not be endangered or, by extension, the overall function of the NIRSpec instrument. The modification included a change of the overall actuator design—internal dimensions, tolerances, materials, lubrication and assembly process—while keeping the interface to the mechanism, mass and function.

High-Performance Industrial Gear Lubricants for Optimum Reliability

In recent years, gearbox technology has advanced and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) have specified required gear oils to meet the lubrication requirements of these new designs. Modern gearboxes operate under severe conditions while maintaining their reliability to ensure end-user productivity. The latest generation of industrial gear lubricants can provide enhanced performance—even under extreme operating conditions—for optimal reliability and reduced cost of operation.

Gear Drives Used in Centrifuge Applications

In order to make better purchasing decisions about centrifuge applications, one must understand the concept of centrifuges and the drives that operate this equipment.

Sensing the Motion: Rotary Position Sensors

This paper provides an overview of the more common position sensor options and references actual case studies to illustrate the diverse solutions available and the reasons behind some of the decisions. Three cases are used to illustrate the needs of different applications leading to the choice of a particular type of position sensor. The cases reviewed include a gantry crane, wind turbine and aerial cable car.

Energy Efficiency by Using Innovative Bearing Solutions

Based on simulation methods and calculation tools developed by the Schaeffler Group and presented in the first part of this paper, three approaches regarding increased efficiency based on rolling bearings are presented.

The Case for Hollow-Shaft Torque Motors

Permanent-magnet, synchronous-torque motors offer significant advantages on high-energy-consuming and high-dynamic applications.

Selecting the Right Precision Ball Material for Aggressive Environments

This article will examine the major materials used to enhance balls to resist aggressive environments and help in selecting the right one.

Designing for Static and Dynamic Loading of a Gear Reducer Housing with FEA

A recent trend has been a movement to more user-friendly products in the mechanical power transmission industry. A good example of such a product is a high-horsepower, right angle, shaft-mounted drive designed to minimize installation efforts. Commonly referred to as an alignment-free type, it allows the drive package mounting to be quicker, more cost effective and require less expertise during installation. This facilitates the use of the drive in applications such as underground mining, where there is little room to maneuver parts. The most common application for the alignment-free style drive is for powering bulk material handling belt conveyors.

Reducing Electricity Cost through Use of Premium Efficiency Motors

motors with premium efficiency counterparts presents businesses with a significant opportunity to reduce operating costs. A comparison between premium and standard efficiency motors from 0.25 to 10 horsepower is conducted; comparisons of full-load efficiencies are shown, and estimated payback periods are calculated. Methods for calculating the yearly kilowatt-hour consumption and yearly cost savings of premium efficiency motors for this horsepower range are also given. The cost advantages of premium efficiency motors are summarized, and relevant examples of real world cost savings are shown.

Direct Drive Technology and its Impact on the Gearmotor Business

An exploration of direct drive motor trends and examples of design uses for direct drives as replacements for gear drives or belt drives.

Analyzing Synchronous Belt Failure

If you’re replacing your belts more than once per year, it’s time to analyze your drive. From belt crimping damage to high belt installation tension to sprocket misalignment and adverse environmental conditions, this guide walks you through how to identify the reasons behind premature failure and makes recommendations on corrective and preventive measures.

Improving Equipment Uptime - Composite Seals Meet the Challenge

In an industrial application, equipment uptime is vital for on-time performance and profitability. The rotating members of industrial machines are subject to the highest degree of wear and are more susceptible to failure than non-moving parts. Bearing surfaces are the most critical and often the most expensive portion of the rotary assembly; it is imperative to protect these components. The primary protector of these components is the industrial seal.

Intermetallic Nickel-Titanium Alloys for Oil-Lubricated Bearing Applications

Nitinol 60 (60NiTi), an intermetallic nickel-titanium alloy containing 60 wt % nickel and 40 wt % titanium, is shown to be a promising material for oil-lubricated, rolling and sliding contact applications such as bearings and gears.

Axis of Rotation Metrology

In the history of machine tools, spindles have been very good relative to other bearings and structures on the machine. So quality professionals have developed a cache of tools—-ball bars, grid encoders displacement lasers, etc.—-to help them characterize and understand the geometry of the structural loop. But as machine tools have improved in their capability and precision, and the demands of part-geometry and surface finish have become more critical, errors in spindles have become a larger percentage of the total error.

Reducing Core Loss of Segmented Laminations

The recent trend toward using segmented laminations as a means to increase slot fill and facilitate automated fabrication of electric machines comes with a penalty of increased core loss at the segment joints.

Electronic Control for Hydraulic Applications - A Case Study

This case study presents how electronics and software can be applied to a mobile hydraulic application, as well as how electro-hydraulics have evolved over time.

Facing the Challenges of the Current Hybrid Electric Drivetrain

Presented is a high-phase, order-induction motor drive for use in a series hybrid architecture. This solution overcomes numerous compromises in current hybrid powertrain designs. Notably, it allows for a vehicle that is competitive in terms of performance and cost.

Lower-Loss Technology for a Stepping Motor

The demand for stepping motors with high efficiency and low losses has been increasing, although the demand had been previously focused on high torque. Also, the selection of the most suitable grade of lamination for improvement in fastening of the laminated cores has reduced losses significantly at their peak, when compared to conventional stepping motors. Lowering the losses of the motor has enabled continuous operation that was previously impossible. An expansion of the stepping motor’s usage into applications where another motor has been used for continuous operation and other uses—due to the heat generation problem—can now be pursued. In addition, these motors are very effective for energy saving. This paper explains the technology used for lowering the iron losses of the stepping motor.

Historic Danish Theatre Gets a Facelift

The Royal Danish Theatre has occupied the heart of Copenhagen for centuries and recently upgraded to a new control system featuring Sprint Electric DC drives to extend the lives of the existing motors, keeping replacement costs down. The Swedish stage design and technology company Visual Act retained most of the original motors and mechanics while providing a much-needed facelift to the stage.

With Electric Motors, Size Indeed Matters

In this paper, Edward Hage, founder of specAmotor.com, an online motor calculation and selection tool, focuses on the overheating of electric motors. Presented here is a calculation method with which the temperature and heat development of a direct current (DC) motor and a brushless motor can be predicted accurately.

How Green is Your Gearbox

Rising energy costs and concerns about global warming are at the forefront of today’s news. Turn to local or national TV programming, browse the internet or read the paper and one can find numerous stories about the seemingly irreversible energy costs and the subsequent impact that these costs have on simply doing business. As a result, we as individuals are becoming increasingly aware of the cost of energy and we are being introduced to a variety of methods and/or products that will minimize the impact of these costs.

Power With Precision

Can direct drive technology improve your bottom line? Manufacturers relying upon drive systems in their production process have long sought ways to improve gearbox efficiency. While a gearbox-driven system has been the mainstay for manufacturers, it has also been, among other things, the source of frequent breakdowns, expensive line stoppages and increasingly costly maintenance.

Bellows Couplings: Proper Selection for Optimal Performance

For many years bellows couplings have been near the top of the list of flexible coupling choices for high-performance motion systems. Their high torsional stiffness, low moment of inertia and minimal restoring forces under misalignment make them a preferred choice for maintaining tight control over the load.

High-Capacity Bearings Carry the Load for Chinese Gearbox Manufacturer

Th e signing of a contract for more than 5,000 sets of SKF’s latest high-capacity cylindrical roller bearings (HCCRB) for wind turbines will impart added load-carrying capacity, more reliability and longer life to the Nanjing Gear Company’s (NGC) line of gearboxes for wind generation applications.

Selection and Performance Criteria for Power Transmission Couplings, Part II

Part I of this article appeared in the October 2008 issue. It provided an overview and general classifi cations of power transmission couplings, along with selection and performance criteria for rigid couplings and misalignment-compensating couplings. Part II continues the discussion with selection and performance criteria for torsionally flexible and combination-purpose couplings.

Improved Sealing Technology Extends Equipment Life

Th e primary sources of bearing failure are lack of lubrication and contaminant ingress. Industrial sealing devices are the primary protection against bearing failure. When the sealing device fails, bearing failure is imminent. Th erefore, extending the life of sealing devices extends bearing life and in turn improves equipment uptime.

BSA is the Forum that Keeps Bearing Companies Rolling

In today’s increasingly competitive global economy, industries and the companies that serve them are always looking for an edge. Price and quality being routinely accepted as a given, businesses—large and small—are always looking for a little help. For the worldwide bearing industry, that help exists in the form of the Bearing Specialists of America (BSA).

Gear- or Actuator-Driven, These Bots Are Cutting-Edge

Robots are everywhere these days— bots in the factory, bots in space, bots at the airport, bots in the movies and much, much more. But robots in the operating room?

Selection and Performance Criteria for Power Transmission Couplings

Power transmission couplings are widely used for modifi cation of stiff ness and damping in power transmission systems, both in torsion and in other directions (misalignment compensation).

Bearing Repair Provides Valuable Alternative To Bearing Replacement for Heavy Industries

When a bearing is damaged, it is often removed from service and replaced before it reaches its full, useful and economical life. Advancements in bearing design, materials, bearing maintenance and repair methods have greatly improved the potential for and popularity of bearing repair as an effective way to extend the life of the bearing.

Calculating Pressure Concentration Factors

Using FEM to develop better keyless locking devices.

Mold Machining Center Maintains Accuracy

Entrust enlists Advanced Machine & Engineering for 7-axis, 2-spindle performance.

Custom-Made Manufacturing

Sound business model increases opportunities for Misumi USA Inc.

Torque Arm Design Considerations for Shaft-Mounted Speed Reducers

Most manufacturers of shaft-mounted speed reducers offer torque arms for their products. However, in some situations, a machine designer may be required to design his own.

How to Determine the MTBF of Gearboxes

Mean Time Between Failures is a very frequent and broadly used reliability measure of components, systems and devices used mainly in conjunction with electrical and electronic equipment.

Motorsports in Motion

KD-Rig Puts Accelerating Developments International in Limelight

Troubleshooting with Torque Transmission

The issue might be a faulty treadmill at a local gym, the need to update orthopedic surgery equipment or simply a train stuck in neutral at the toy store. Whatever the case may be, viewing e-mails in the marketing department at Torque Transmission is like opening Christmas presents every morning.

Grip Tight Done Right

Baldor bearings make the grade with Sapphire Recovery and Twin City Fan.