Editorial Guidelines
Power Transmission Engineering publishes articles that focus on the application of gears, bearings, motors, gear drives, couplings, clutches/brakes and other mechanical power transmission and motion control components. We like articles that offer solutions to specific design or manufacturing problems or explanations of new technology, techniques, designs or processes. We also run articles on a regular basis that teach the basics of mechanical components to the next generation of design engineers, maintenance professionals and end users. Refer to the 2025 Editorial Calendar for additional information (https://www.powertransmission.com/pte-adinfo).
Submitting Articles
In addition to our regular staff-written articles, we welcome submissions from the industry on any of the comprehensive topics being covered each issue. We are interested in a wide variety of article types, from the very basic to the highly technical, ranging in length from a few paragraphs to 10 pages or more. We always prefer original material that hasn’t appeared in other publications, so be sure to let us know if what you’re submitting is exclusive to us. We’ve prepared some brief descriptions of the types of articles and what we’re looking for:
Application Story/Case Studies
This is a short article describing how a specific product or technology solves a particular manufacturing or engineering challenge for a customer. When writing an application story/case study, you should provide a brief profile of the companies involved and the industries they serve. You should describe the specific problem or challenge and detail how the technology was used to overcome it.
- 1,200–1,500 words.
- 2–3 high-resolution (300 dpi) images.
- Use facts and figures to convey results.
- Do not give us a sales pitch. These should be more educational than promotional.
- Include a few direct quotes from all companies involved in the story, but not too many.
- Include Company Name, Phone Number, E-Mail and Website information for all companies involved in the project.
- Include a short (50-word max.) author’s bio and author
Feature Articles
These more in-depth articles will focus on an interesting subject related to mechanical power transmission or motion control. Examples could include how-to articles, detailed analysis of trends in the industry, tips on maintenance or installation, explanations of the use of different types of components, and so on. Here are some additional tips:
Feature articles should have an author’s byline.
- 1,500–2,500 words.
- Large, high-quality photos (300 dpi is minimum for print quality).
- Include captions with your photos.
- Tell us what we’re looking at and why it's important. Include a photo credit where necessary.
- Focus on facts and figures (overly promotional material will be rejected or edited out).
- Include Company Name, Phone Number, E-Mail and Website information for all companies involved in the article.