

REVOLUTIONS | 2022-02-17

Delivering Next Generation e-Mobility Motor and Drive Solutions

Kyburz Switzerland AG, Relies on ABM Drives for High-Performance Technology in Postal Delivery and Electric Sports Cars

REVOLUTIONS | 2021-12-09

The Art of the Balance

While sitting at a tire shop a while back. I could not help but overhear a customer tell the mechanic he could only afford to pay for the new tires...
REVOLUTIONS | 2021-10-12

Fenner Acquires Lumsden Corporation

Advances and expands belting and high-value component solutions

Fenner Precision Polymers recently announced the acquisi...

Coupling a Motor to a Load

With so many load types and motor types, there are many ways to couple a motor to a load.

Linear Motion Components Take Flight in Aerospace and Defense Industry

Key advantages of linear motion components in aerospace applications.
REVOLUTIONS | 2021-07-16

The Sustainable Shop Floor

Energy from renewable sources? Natural resource conservation? Reduction in pollution and waste? Energy efficient components? Many talk a good game ...
REVOLUTIONS | 2021-06-07

Maximizing Bearing Performance

Carrier and SKF Collaborate on Centrifugal Compressor Technology The opportunity to improve product design separates market lea...
REVOLUTIONS | 2021-04-13

Hannover Messe 2021: Smart Manufacturing

Robotics, digital tools, automation and artificial intelligence will all play a significant role in the factory of the future. After two days of vi...
| 2021-01-21

Smart Moves with Bosch Rexroth

Extrusion press hydraulics upgrade uses phased approach to improve results

The extrusion press is one of today’s most valuable and hardwo...

Efficiency and Heat Balance Calculation of Worm Gears

If torque conversion with high gear ratio, compact installation space and 90-degree axis-crossing angle is needed, often worm gears are used. Due to their high power density and sliding speeds within the tooth contact, frictional heat and thermal stresses are higher compared to helical, bevel and hypoid gears, and thus the thermal load capacity of worm gears is lower.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2020-12-01

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the December 2020 issue of Power Transmission Engineering.
POWER PLAY | 2020-10-01

Mechanical Wonders of All Sizes

The industrial arts of mechanical engineering are all around us and seen in many forms and technologies. Of greatest interest is how these wonders are designed, constructed and used. From the smallest home appliance to the behemoths used for outsize building and excavation projects.

Schaeffler Readies Launch of End-to-End Wireless Sensor Solution with OPTIME

A discussion of the evolution of condition monitoring for bearings and the upcoming introduction of company's next-generation condition monitoring platform.
| 2020-08-03

Freudenberg Sealing Develops Thermally Conductive Elastomer for Electric Cars

Wherever a lot of computing is performed or high currents flow, large amounts of waste heat are generated. Freudenberg Sealing Technologi...
PRODUCT NEWS | 2020-08-01

Product News

The latest product news from Miki Pulley, Voith, Firgelli Automations, Heidenhain, Zero-Max, Gates, KEB America, Siemens, H2W Technologies and Emerson Automation
| 2020-07-17

Force Control Oil Shear Crane Brake Solves Maintenance Headache

Brake Upgrade Fixes Manufacturing Challenges at SAF

Working three shifts around the clock throughout the week doesn’t leave time in the s...
| 2020-06-19

Cortec Enhances Corrosion Control Protection Offerings

Cortec is globally committed to providing corrosion solutions that are both cost-effective and environmentally-sound. The organization has stepped ...
| 2020-06-08

Shrink Your Start-to-Finish Time

Boosting Productivity in Gearbox Design with Siemens Digital

An increasing awareness of environmental concerns has given rise in the auto...
| 2020-02-12

Force Control Dynamometers Suitable for High-Torque, Low-Speed Testing

High torque, low-speed testing is often a challenge for dynamometers equipped with traditional load brakes. Testing which requires the brake to abs...

Creature Comfort

Intelligent drive technology in the cowshed
| 2019-11-08

Vesconite Supplies Bushings for Record-Breaking Miniature Steam Train

The team that was awarded the Guinness World Record in 2017 for the longest distance covered by a miniature steam train is setting its sights on im...
| 2019-08-19

Considerations for Choosing the Correct Rolling Element Bearing Characteristics

Daily experience in application engineering has proven that the selection of the correct bearing type can be successfully achieved by customers bas...
| 2019-08-08

The 6 Latest Trends in Direct Drive Motor Technology

Despite the maturity of the machine tool industry, allowing for many advancements in engineering design over the span of decades, a machine is stil...
| 2019-07-16

A Better Way to Measure High-Performance Plastics Means Better Performance

Caption: Wear and friction data from application testing on two grades of PEEK.

| 2019-06-18

Getting Your Hands on Smart Tools

Forget the IIoT and Industry 4.o buzzwords. We're not interested in 10 to 15 years down the road or what the factory of the future is going to look...
| 2019-06-03

Morgan Advanced Materials Examines Wind Turbine Mechanics

Reliance on wind power is increasing, so the industry must continue to find ways to operate more efficiently, while reducing maintenance and costs....
EVENTS | 2019-06-01

The Electric Evolution

CTI Symposium Presents Latest Automotive Transmission Developments and Applications.
| 2019-05-07

Wittenstein Smart Gearboxes

Shaping the Future of Manufacturing

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Deep-Sea Microbe Research

Faulhaber motors help seek climate answers in deep-sea trenches
| 2019-03-28

Troubleshooting: Use ALL of Your Senses

Troubleshooting infrequent intermittent problems can be one of the most frustrating engineering...
| 2019-02-12

Cement Backer Board Plant Utilizes Oil Shear Clutch Brakes

Stan Porter, Force Control Industries & Jim Wahl, Wahl Marketing Communications Fin Pan Inc. (Hamilton, Ohio) is an industry leader in the c...
| 2019-01-28

Servo Needs a Solid Footing

Donald P. Labriola II, president and founder of QuickSilver Controls, Inc. For a servo system, it is important to remember that the servo respon...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2018-12-01

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the December 2018 issue of Power Transmission Engineering.
| 2018-10-03

Cooling Tower Components: Pros and Cons

Written by: Jerome Jennings, global product manager, SPX Cooling Technologies, Inc. Cooling towers can use several power transmission technologi...
EVENTS | 2018-10-01


The complete technical Calendar from the October 2018 issue of Power Transmission Engineering.

Pack Expo: Automation and Education

Ask any exhibitor at Pack Expo International and the co-located Healthcare Packaging Expo (Oct. 14-17 at McCormick Place, Chicago) why they're there, and you'll probably get the same response: end users.

Prediction of Heat Generation in Transmission Bearings by Application of FEM

Heat generation in bearings is manifested by the power losses of the transmission. Because of the rise in temperature due to heat generation, the appearance of dilatation adversely affects the bearings' geometrical characteristics.
| 2018-08-08

Thermal Growth Issues and Solutions for Shaft Couplings

Nick Agius, National Rotating Equipment/ACHE Product Specialist, Motion Canada I have been researching “Thermal Growth” issues for deca...

The Clean Cut

JBT Corporation benefits from Kollmorgen Hygienic motor design in food and beverage application.
| 2018-07-26

Bearing Sourcing: Investigate Here

Steve Katz, president, Emerson Bearing Boston One significant and challenging issue that MROs and OEMs face is premature bearing failure in equi...
| 2018-07-16

Evolution of Cooling Tower Gearboxes

Written by: Jerome Jennings, global product manager, SPX Cooling Technologies, Inc. Industries that require process heat rejection often use fie...

A Mechanical Healthcare Plan

Motor Operation Gets Big Boost from Smart Technology (Here's How to Take Advantage)

The Long and Short of It

One of the problems with “tribal knowledge” is that the terminology can confuse those who are not fully immersed in that community. I have lost ...


Making the Smart Choice in PT Components

The Latest Clutch & Brake Technology Looks at Reliability, Cost and Design Specifications.
POWER PLAY | 2018-04-01

It's a Jungle Out There

Harsh environments and saltwater properties tend to make it difficult for motors, gearboxes and engines to perform consistently at a high level.
PUBLISHER'S PAGE | 2018-03-01

Smarter Machines Need Smarter Components

The future of motion control is connectivity. Read this issue to learn why.
| 2017-11-28

A Look at Belt, Chain and Gear Drive Technology

By Jack Warner The need for producing more energy increases with our rising need for commercial, industrial, and residential space. In North Ame...
| 2017-11-16

Force Control Brakes Assist in Helicopter Transmission Overhaul

Professional Aircraft Accessories, a Greenwich AeroGroup company based in Titusville, Florida, is a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Europ...
| 2017-11-14

Freudenberg Examines Sealing Requirements for Heavy-Duty Equipment

The seals and the hydraulic systems of any piece of mining, construction, agricultural or other heavy industry equipment like
| 2017-09-07

Meter Bearings Upgrades System Analytics

A global organization, Meter Bearings comprises offices and production centers in China, Germany, and the United States, with their headquarters in...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2017-09-01

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the September 2017 issue of Power Transmission Engineering.
| 2017-07-13

Full Cinematic Immersion

“For your safety, please keep your hands, arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times.” We’ve heard this statement countless times at amusemen...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2017-06-19

What's New in Belt and Chain Technology?

Here are the latest product and industry news items involving belts and chains in the power transmission market. Please visit
| 2017-04-17

Integrated Industry at Hannover 2017

Hannover Messe 2017 will demonstrate how companies with limited resources can pinpoint and harness the power of digitalization. This year's trade f...

Meet Norm Parker - Bearings Blogger

In case you missed them, following are three recent blog postings by our popular PTE bearings blogger - Norm Parker. We also felt that, should you not be a blog follower, this would be a good way to introduce you to Norm's bearings wisdom. Parker is currently the global senior specialist/roller bearings at Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA).
| 2017-02-28

When Things Get Hot

Looking at recent inquiries, there appears to be a growing demand for motors that can operate in high-temperature environments. Although they we...
| 2017-01-16

Demystifying Bearing Fit Practices

Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a little time off over the holidays. We’re just getting into Michigan’s bi-polar winter season where leather co...
FIELD NOTES | 2016-12-01

Bearing Lubricant Solution

A Chicago-area bakery was replacing the tray support bearings in its ovens on a reactionary basis. Their weekly inspection cycle was resulting in two mechanics spending an average of 20 labor hours per week to replace failed bearings. The premature bearing failures were caused by a combination of the high heat and humidity in the ovens, resulting in lubrication failure and contamination. When BDI was asked to recommend a solution, the bakery was averaging one month of bearing life in this application.
| 2016-11-29

A Virtual Reality

Two weeks ago I was invited to speak at Infolytica’s Engage 2016 conference (infolyticaengage.com). The company makes tools for f...
| 2016-10-10

Factoring In the Power Factor

Recently our customers have indicated a great concern over power factors when starting new development projects for higher-efficiency motors. Wh...

ISO 281:2007 - Caveat Emptor

I was invited by Tom Astrene of TLT to write a response to the July 2010 TLT article (Ref. 1). My rebuttal — “In Search of a Fatigue Limit: A Critique of ISO Standard 281:2007” — was published in Tribology and Lubrication Engineering, TLT, August 2010 edition (Ref. 10). While this article is also available online, I will attempt to summarize the essence of my response.
| 2016-08-09

IMTS 2016 First Look

Matthew Jaster, Senior Editor Because the general metalworking industry can’t have all the fun in Chicago this September, here’s a quick guide t...

Modular Control Systems for Wind Energy

For a 5-megawatt wind turbine prototype, aerodyn employs the latest control and software technologies, including a comprehensive PC-based control solution and the new modular TwinCAT Wind Framework. The TwinCAT Wind Framework features the latest software engineering and Big Data applications to extend current Industry 4.0 concepts to the wind energy industry. The modular software supports, for example, the direct provision of sensor data to the operator’s database, and in general enables the easy adaption of the wind turbine operation management to future requirements.

IMTS 2016 Booth Preview

A nose-in-the-tent peek at the booths featuring mechanical motion components.
| 2016-06-03

The Driving Force

In “the good old days” we simply connected a motor to the power lines and that created motion — but those days are disappearing fast. Almost all mo...
| 2016-04-12

You Need an Electric Motor for Your Application — Which One Do You Choose?

Often I get asked the generic question — “Which motor should I use?” But the answer is not quick or easy. The proper choice of the motor may ...
| 2015-07-13

Fitting the Inner Ring to the Shaft

I don’t recall a time during the startup of a new program where an engineer unfamiliar with heavy load


The Modified Life Rating of Rolling Bearings: A Criterion for Gearbox Design and Reliability Optimization

Engineers typically learn that the bearing L10 life can be estimated using the so called “C/P method” — or the “basic rating life” of the bearing, a method rooted in the 1940s. Major developments have since led to the “modified rating life,” released in ISO 281:2007, which includes the aiso life modification factor. In this paper a succession of equations used for bearing life ratings are reviewed, and current bearing life rating practices are discussed in detail. It is shown that — despite the introduction more than 30 years ago of the adjustment factor of the basic rating life, and the standardization in 2007 of the aiso modification factor — use of these improved calculation methods are not practiced by all engineers. Indeed — many continue referring to the old model as a way of seeking compliance with existing, established practices.
POWER PLAY | 2015-02-01

The Science Fiction Addiction

It seems preposterous in the whimsical, wireless world of today, but in 1977 cinema’s greatest visioneers came together and decided the pinnacle of robotic technology in the future would be a motorized trash can.
EVENTS | 2014-12-01


Calendar of everything coming up over the next coming months.
MARKET UPDATE | 2014-08-01

Das (Human) Kapital

Columnist Brian Langenberg provides a current outlook update, key findings from a recent energy sector conference, and takes another look at education and employment.
EVENTS | 2014-06-01

CTI Symposium Raises the Bar on Transmission Technology

The 8th International CTI Symposium on Automotive Transmissions, HEV and EV Drives took place in Rochester, Michigan from May 12-15. The event kicked off with its popular introductory seminar "Basics and Practice of Automotive Transmissions."
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2014-04-01

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the April 2014 issue of Power Transmission Engineering.

The Workhorse of Industry: The Induction Motor

A brief overview of the induction motor, including the basics of construction, performance and variable speed drives.
POWER PLAY | 2013-02-01

Before There Were Bar Cars

The history of railroading is a saga of epic proportions: North meets South; Ocean meets Ocean. Track and trains and the locomotives that power them have long held Americans' fascination and fancy.


Highlights from our e-mail newsletter and online videos section.
PUBLISHER'S PAGE | 2012-04-01

How to Become an Expert in Your Field

Managing Editor Randy Stott recounts a recent visit to Siemens manufacturing and assembly facilities in Elgin, IL.
EVENTS | 2011-12-01

Electric Automation Trends Discovered at SPS-IPC Drives 2011

SPS-IPC Drives 2011, which took place in Nuremburg, Germany in November, covered all components down to complete systems and integrated solutions in the electric automation industry.

Motion Control - Product Spotlight

This special product news section takes a look at the latest in motion control products.
POWER PLAY | 2011-04-01

When (Robotic) Animals Ruled the Earth...

Nowadays, you can find scientists and engineers creating micro-robotic creatures for a slew of fascinating research projects.

Medical Pumps with Uncommon Sens(ors)

New generation sensors are improving our quality of life.

Coastal Question Marks

Does the U.S. renewable energy solution lie offshore? An update on the status of offshore wind projects.

A Need for Reduced Energy Costs

Options abound for increased efficiency in lubrication.

Helping Hands: How Robotic Automation Can Help Manufacturing Resurgence

Before Mike Cicco was involved on the engineering side, he used to sell robotic systems to manufacturers. Most of his sales pitches were met with hesitation and skepticism as he tried to explain the “benefits” of replacing employees on the shop floor with an automated system.
POWER PLAY | 2010-04-01

Service Without a Smile

Manufacturing employees have always kept their eyes on the robotic systems that continue to pop up in assembly lines and industrial workspaces. These metallic, low-maintenance robotic employees don’t waste time with smoke breaks or catching up on episodes of Lost. They tend to stick to the task at hand with little argument or attitude, giving human counterparts a bad name when they gripe about factory temperatures or lack of a decent dental plan.

Honing a Competitive Advantage

Sunnen grows product portfolio with motion control solution from Siemens.
POWER PLAY | 2009-10-01

Meet the Dustbot - A New Spin on Waste Management

Scientists have been hard at work creating a robotic system with the capabilities to sweep and collect garbage in urban environments. This real-world Wall-E is known as the DustBot, aimed at designing, developing, testing and demonstrating a system for improving the management of urban hygiene.

Historic Danish Theatre Gets a Facelift

The Royal Danish Theatre has occupied the heart of Copenhagen for centuries and recently upgraded to a new control system featuring Sprint Electric DC drives to extend the lives of the existing motors, keeping replacement costs down. The Swedish stage design and technology company Visual Act retained most of the original motors and mechanics while providing a much-needed facelift to the stage.

Electric Motors: When is it Best to Repair, and When is it Best to Replace

The repair-versus-replace decision is quite complicated, depending upon variables such as rewind cost, severity of the failure, replacement motor purchase price and other factors.
REVOLUTIONS | 1970-01-01

Industrial Gearbox Market Trends

Learn about the effect Covid-19 had on the industrial gearbox market and how the industry is predicted to recover.
