
April 2018

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Buyer Beware

No one likes paying too much for anything. Everyone wants to get a better deal. That's why you shop around before buying a new car. That's why you look at sale advertisements before buying a new refrigerator or big screen tv. The bigger the purchase, the more you want to compare prices.

Technical Articles

Baldor Motor Basics: Part 12

The final installment in our Baldor Motor Basics series covers 50 Hz requirements, as well as motors wet or damp environments.

Feature Articles

Bogus Bearings Still on a Roll

Counterfeits continue to vex big-name suppliers

Making the Smart Choice in PT Components

The Latest Clutch & Brake Technology Looks at Reliability, Cost and Design Specifications.

Stober Survey Examines Manufacturing Infrastructure Updates

How to determine if your facility needs an overhaul. Includes a Q&A with experts from Stober Drives.

Where We Stand

The automotive industry is on the precipice of a shift. Here's what the future looks like and what you need to know to prepare for it.

Linear Bearing CAD Models and More On the Fly

Here's what one supplier is doing to take advantage of the mobile phone in your pocket.

Power Play

It's a Jungle Out There

Harsh environments and saltwater properties tend to make it difficult for motors, gearboxes and engines to perform consistently at a high level.

Product News

Product News

New servo drives, gear pumps, stepper motors and more.

Industry News

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the April 2018 issue of Power Transmission Engineering.


The One-Stop Shop for Automatic, HEV and EV Drives

CTI Symposium USA Examines North American Transmission Market Strategies


The complete technical calendar from the April 2018 issue of Power Transmission Engineering.

Momentum in Wind Power

Coming off of a stellar 2017 for the wind power industry, Wind Power 2018 is all about carrying that momentum forward.