
February 2021

PT Issue

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Renewed Energy

Energy consumption isn't just an issue at home, though. It's one of today's key issues facing individuals, businesses and governments all over the world.

Technical Articles

Consideration of Dynamic Excitation Effects in the Gear Design Process of Two-Stage Gearboxes for E-Mobility

Consideration of dynamic excitation effects in the gear design of two-stage gearboxes for e-mobility.

High-Power Density Motors

On the tradeoffs between power density, efficiency and cost for high-performance, electric motors in choosing the most applicable technology for a specific application.

Feature Articles

SKF Improves Bearing Predictability Through R&D Efforts

How SKF's R&D department is solving the mysteries of bearing performance.

How Predictive Maintenance Can Unlock Offshore Wind Growth

A practical guide to adopting digital technology in wind energy applications.

The Art of Manufacturing Design

SLM Corporation and Nord Drive Systems collaborate on drive technology advancements.

The Efficient, Evolving Technology of the Gearbox

Why gearboxes rate as one of the highest-type maintenance components.

Power Play

Highly Sophisticated War Machines are Tilling New Battleground

A common if not somewhat cynical reference to our nation's array of military capabilities is thinking of it as a "toy box."

Product News

Product News

The complete Product News section from the February 2021 issue of Power Transmission Engineering.

Industry News

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the February 2021 issue of Power Transmission Engineering.