Highly Sophisticated War Machines are Tilling New Battleground
Highly Sophisticated War Machines are Tilling New Battleground
A common if not somewhat cynical reference to our nation’s array of military capabilities is thinking of it as a “toy box.” And of course if you’re going to have a toy box you have to have toys for it.
And holy Pinocchio, do we have toys. Some question the need for so many playthings; some, like the DOD, question why we don’t have more.
But without delving into which side of the argument one chooses, what follows are some examples of the technical wizardry that helps keep us safe. What’s more, much like NASA, some of these mechanical monsters will one day be reworked for civilian use. Let’s take a look.
WildCat Robot
First up—the WildCat Robot from Boston Robotics. It can “run across any type of terrain, since its main purpose is either a cargo-carrying unit or an intelligence-carrying unit.” For example, sand dunes pose no obstacle to this leggy warrior. Always in continuing improvement mode, the WildCat currently travels at about 16-25 mph on flat terrain — using a bounding and galloping gait. Imagine a squad of these guys coming at you with no place to run. While this iteration is not a killing machine, gathering enemy intelligence can lead to dire results for the bad guys.
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