
February 2008

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Technical Articles

Troubleshooting with Torque Transmission

The issue might be a faulty treadmill at a local gym, the need to update orthopedic surgery equipment or simply a train stuck in neutral at the toy store. Whatever the case may be, viewing e-mails in the marketing department at Torque Transmission is like opening Christmas presents every morning.

Grip Tight Done Right

Baldor bearings make the grade with Sapphire Recovery and Twin City Fan.

Motorsports in Motion

KD-Rig Puts Accelerating Developments International in Limelight

Feature Articles

Capacity--And the Lack of It--Rules

U.S. wind turbine growth puts a new spin on bearing manufacture.

Bearing Lubrication Under Extreme Conditions, Part II

Rolling element or sleeve bearings often are required to operate under extreme conditions. In these instances, it is more important than ever to follow proper lubrication selection and maintenance procedures to maximize effective life and efficient performance.

Improved Fuel and Energy Efficiency Through Optimized Bearing Design and Selection

Today, better fuel economy is a main objective in the automotive development process. It remains top-of-mind with the auto industry and consumers because of costs and environmental impacts. Because the industry’s average fuel-economy standard is required to increase by 40 percent by 2020, manufacturers and engineers are working to develop fuel-efficient, environmentally friendly and reliable designs for vehicles.

Power Play

Eat Your Heart Out, Spielberg

"Restless Planet" transports guests to a Jurassic landscape with more than 100 animatronic dinosaurs.

Product News

Product News

The complete Product News section from the February 2008 Power Transmission Engineering.

Industry News

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the February 2008 issue of Power Transmission Engineering



The complete Events section from the February 2008 issue of Power Transmission Engineering, including advance coverage of IFPE 2008.