The Optimization of 70 Tons of Scrap
Electric pre-shredder provides energy efficient option with MAV shrink discs
The engineering community is fascinated with big, shiny, yellow machines. Walk into any manufacturing facility around the globe and you’ll find guests huddled around the biggest, loudest, and most intimidating equipment on the shop floor. These large machines must play by the same rules as everybody else—they need to reduce energy consumption, lower plant costs, and increase productivity. Many power transmission component suppliers are tasked with optimizing this equipment.
Big Yellow Machines
Wendt Corporation, Buffalo, N.Y., is an independently owned and operated family business serving the scrap metal recycling industry for 40+ years. The company is the North American distributor for MTB, a provider of metal recycling pre-shredding, shredding and sorting equipment based in France.
“The pre-shredder offers our customers a simple way to grow their business by maximizing the use of existing assets,” says Ethan Willard, Wendt’s business development manager. “I believe pre-shredders will revolutionize existing grinding operations with their ability to increase production and reduce operating costs and downtime.”
Wendt sold the MTB EZR Electric—a pre-shredding machine with an electric drive—to Rochester Iron and Metal, a recycling operation located in Rochester, Ind. The EZR Electric is the first U.S. electric pre-shredder, providing 92% drive efficiency thanks to its synchronous high-torque electric motors. MTB machine designers turned to electric power over hydraulics, reducing energy consumption while developing a more circular economy.
Combining this with a mechanical design that allows the adjustment of output density and throughput of the machine after installation, MTB can tailor the EZR’s operation to meet specific customer needs at a lower energy cost.