As publishers, we’re constantly reevaluating our brand and our identity. We want our connection with you to remain close and fresh, so that when you see our publication, your reaction is, “Oh, yeah. These are my people. They speak my language.”
Of course, much of that reaction is derived from the content. But some of it is also from the design and how the content is presented. Over time, designs become stale. Fonts, color schemes and visual effects that were once popular become as outdated as bell-bottom pants. (Wait, never mind. I think those are back in style again. Anyway, you get my point.)
Recently I’ve had a number of people tell me how much they enjoy our work here at PTE. While it’s always nice to receive “attaboys,” these recent unsolicited compliments have been both thoughtful and specific, which is especially gratifying because they validate many of the choices we make as publishers.
Today’s pace of technological change defies description. I keep hearing that we’re in the middle of the next transformative leap in manufacturing, and with all the advances in robotics, automation, condition monitoring and artificial intelligence (AI), it’s hard to argue that we’re not. But it seems to me the pace of change is too fast for mere leaps and bounds. Industry 4.0 used to be a new thing, but we seemed to have skipped Industry 5.0 and are now talking about Industry 6.0 and beyond. By the time we stop long enough to define where we are, we’re no longer there.
We’re in the middle of industrial trade show season, and our team has been traveling to various events around the country to uncover the most relevant new technology related to power transmission and motion control. But we’re not done yet. In fact, I’d like to call your attention to two upcoming events that are of particular note.
The Lego Technic NASA Apollo Lunar Roving Vehicle—LRV set is a detailed 1:8 scale model of the original moon buggy used by NASA’s last three Apollo crews. Comprising 1,913 pieces, this set follows Lego’s earlier releases of the Saturn V rocket and Apollo 11 lunar module. The new Lego set will be available in stores on August 1.
At the AGMA/ABMA annual meeting (held March 15–17 in Napa, CA), gear manufacturers, bearing manufacturers and industry suppliers spent a lot of time talking about one of the key issues affecting all of industry: finding and retaining skilled employees.
I hear about a lot of different approaches people are taking, including cooperations with local educational institutions, such as high schools, community colleges and technical trade schools. I heard the competition for dedicated young employees who are interested in joining a manufacturing team is so fierce that many companies who want to hire simply can’t. Some have even begun creating their own in-house training and education programs at least partially in order to bypass that competition and find and develop the necessary talent.
Hanging above my desk is a quote from Nikola Tesla that reads, “Every living being is an engine geared to the wheelwork of the universe.” What this means to me evolves daily. For example, I was walking the dogs over the weekend, and I noticed a gray piece of plastic on the lawn. My first instinct was it must go to a toy of some kind. I have been trying to imagine all week what it might go to.
December is the sneakiest of months. I know it’s out there, lurking behind the other months. But no matter how old I get, it always manages to creep up on me. I swear I only looked away for a day or two, but alas, December got me again. You’d think by now that I’d be ready, that I’d have more of a clue about how time works. But no, apparently not. Here I am again, surprised that the year is almost over.
After reading Senior Editor Matt Jaster’s article this issue (“Advancing Technology for MRO,” p. 18), I have visions of the maintenance engineer of tomorrow. He’s not wearing a hard hat and steel-toe boots. No, he’s wearing ripped jeans and a ball cap (backwards), and he’s holding a game controller, because he’s operating the drone system your company is using to do visual and thermal inspection of your equipment, saving you enormous time and effort in your predictive maintenance routine.
If you’ve watched any of the Star Wars/Disney+ series The Mandalorian, you’ve no doubt become familiar with the catchphrase “This is the Way,” often uttered by the main character and others who come from his home planet.
We’re starting to see some encouraging signs of life from the trade show industry. Recent shows have bounced back in a big way, including Automate 2022 and MODEX 2022. Will the upcoming IMTS and Hannover Messe USA continue the trend?
Everybody’s making electric cars these days. Luxury cars, sports cars, even trucks. And demand for them isn’t going to slow anytime soon, thanks to their better fuel efficiency, lower emissions, reduced noise and overall environmental friendliness. But there’s another factor, too. An electric vehicle is also a status symbol.