Publisher's Page

June 5, 2023

Randy Stott

Publisher's Page Voices MPT Expo

MPT Expo Is for Gear Buyers

pt0623_Page_08_Image_0002.jpgMost of you who read this magazine have a close relationship with gears and gear drives. According to our most recent circulation data and reader surveys, 75 percent of you recommend, specify or buy gears and/or gear drives.

MPT Expo takes place October 17–19 in Detroit (motionpowerexpo.com). I think you should go. The show only occurs every other year, and in 2021, hardly anyone was traveling, so chances are, it’s been awhile since you’ve attended. But the fact is, the show has continued to grow in relevance to become one of the hidden gems among trade shows, particularly for those of you who are gear buyers.

That’s because MPT Expo is the only trade show in North America where you can find so many potential suppliers of gears and gear drives all in one place. Whether you need open gears, gearbox repair or custom gear assemblies, you’ll find qualified suppliers to choose from at MPT Expo. You’ll also find traditional gear manufacturers alongside manufacturers of plastic and powder metal gears, and you’ll find them specializing in aerospace, automotive, off-highway and industrial gears. Here’s just a sampling of the quality gear and gear drive manufacturers who have signed up to exhibit:


So if sourcing gears or gear drives is on your agenda, you really can’t find a better way to spend three days than to attend.

Of course, there’s a lot more to MPT Expo. In addition to gear manufacturers, you can also find suppliers of bearings, lubrication, power transmission design software, and all of the machines, tooling and services required for manufacturing gears.

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This article appeared in the June 2023 issue.

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In addition, it’s also a great opportunity to attend AGMA’s Fall Technical Meeting, which takes place October 16–18 at the same venue (Huntington Place, formerly known as the TCF Center and Cobo Hall). There’s a full slate of educational offerings, numerous networking events and much, much more.

We’ll be there putting on our ever-popular Ask the Expert Live forum, with numerous topics and presentations throughout the show.

There’s a lot more going on at MPT Expo than I have space to describe here, including many more exhibitors whose products and capabilities may be relevant to you. For complete information, visit the show website at motionpowerexpo.com. But don’t just visit the show website. Visit the show October 17–19 in Detroit. I hope to see you there.
