

REVOLUTIONS | 2022-02-07

Photonics West On-Demand

The online version of Photonics West 2022 takes place February 21-27, 2022. The conference will hold an on-demand week that will c...
REVOLUTIONS | 2022-01-31

Gearmotors: The Art of Precision and Reliability

High performance, high precision and component compatibility top the list of gearmotor trends in our product-roundup for 2022. These products can b...
REVOLUTIONS | 2021-10-12

Fenner Acquires Lumsden Corporation

Advances and expands belting and high-value component solutions

Fenner Precision Polymers recently announced the acquisi...
REVOLUTIONS | 2021-07-16

The Sustainable Shop Floor

Energy from renewable sources? Natural resource conservation? Reduction in pollution and waste? Energy efficient components? Many talk a good game ...
REVOLUTIONS | 2021-04-08

Ask These 10 Questions to Innovate with Purpose

Regal Beloit Examines Product Design in the PT and Motion Control Industry

Too frequently a product is developed and then the manufacture...
| 2020-04-02

The Evolution of AGVs

Konrad Lorenz won the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine in 1973 for his experiments with animal behavior. Lorenz discovered the principle of i...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2020-04-01

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the April 2020 issue of Power Transmission Engineering.
| 2020-01-22

Romax Improves Reckon Drive Product Reliability with Software

The shift towards electric drivetrains has created unprecedented demand for new transmission architectures across numerous vehicle platforms at a t...
ASK THE EXPERT | 2019-10-01

Bearing Materials and Coating Trends

What trends do you see in bearing materials and coatings that will benefit the power transmission industry?
| 2017-06-20

The Times, They Are Changing

Occasionally in conversation you make a reference to technology and then realize that you are old. I could talk about the first microprocessors, va...
| 2017-04-04

Automate/Promat: Live From the Show

Automate 2017 offers the full spectrum of automation technologies and solutions, from traditional industrial applications to cutting edge new techn...
POWER PLAY | 2015-03-01


Necessity is the Mother of Invention, goes the bromide, but this 3-D printing thing is taking manufacturing to an entirely different — yes — dimension.

3-D Printing and Plastic Gears

Regarding 3-D printing of gears and machine tools, etc. — does plastic gearing have a future in 3-D printing/additive manufacturing?
POWER PLAY | 2014-12-01

The Model T Ford: One Mean Machine

Some of us are old enough to have had say, great-grandparents, for example, who when the occasion arose would casually refer to cars as “machines.” It sounded funny and arcane, and we would snicker under our breath. But of course the laugh was on us; back in the day — 1910s through the 1930s — automobiles were commonly referred to as machines.

Engineering Showcase 2014

We are pleased to present our first annual Engineering Showcase, a celebration of some of the leading products and companies in mechanical power transmission. In the pages that follow, you’ll find examples of engineering excellence and technological know-how in the field of gears, drives, couplings, machine parts and other mechanical components.

Sorting Out Flexible Couplings

In most cases, industrial power transmission calls for flexible rather than rigid couplings in order to forgive minor shaft misalignment. For that reason, this article will focus solely on the selection of flexible couplings.

Zero Friction Solution

Air bearings provide a more-precise view of print head variations.