

EVENT | 2025-02-26

PowderMet 2025

PowderMet2025 (Phoenix) is dedicated to metal powder and particulate materials-based processes including press and sinter, metal additive manufacturing, metal injection molding and more. The show provides an energetic forum to showcase PM, metal AM, and MIM equipment, powders, products, and services. MPM2025, co-located with PowderMet 2025, is a technical conference and exhibition dedicated to metal additive manufacturing.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2019-12-01

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the December 2019 issue of Power Transmission Engineering.

Documentation of Gearbox Reliability - An Upcoming Demand

The proof of the reliability of a gear drive is now an additional requirement. In Europe, the acceptance authorities for wind turbines are requesting a system reliability proof from gearbox manufacturers. The AGMA committee reviewing the AGMA 6006 standard for wind turbines is considering adding a chapter about design for reliability. However, reliability considerations are not new; NASA, for example, was in the 1980s using reliability concepts for gear drives.
| 2018-09-25

Future of E-Mobility

Schaeffler Touts System Solutions and Electrification at Detroit Symposium

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INDUSTRY NEWS | 2018-09-01

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the September 2018 issue of Power Transmission Engineering.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2017-03-01

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the March 2017 issue of Power Transmission Engineering.

And the Winner Is

Excellence Awards Competition, sponsored by the Metal Powder Industries Federation, were recently announced at the POWDERMET2015 International Conference on Powder Metallurgy & Particulate Materials. Receiving grand prizes and awards of distinction, the winning parts are examples of PM’s precision, performance, complexity, economy, innovation and sustainability. The winning parts show how customers from around the world are taking advantage of PM’s design advantages.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2014-09-01

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the September 2014 issue of Power Transmission Engineering.