I'd like to invite you to come visit us at
Motion+Power Technology Expo. The show takes place in October at Cobo Center in Detroit, and we'll be there in booth #3826.
It seems preposterous in the whimsical, wireless world of today, but in 1977 cinema’s greatest visioneers came together and decided the pinnacle of robotic technology in the future would be a motorized trash can.
Rising energy costs and concerns about global warming are at the forefront of today’s news. Turn to local or national TV programming, browse the
internet or read the paper and one can
find numerous stories about the seemingly irreversible energy costs and the subsequent impact that these costs have on simply doing business. As a result, we as individuals are becoming increasingly aware of the cost of energy and we are being introduced to a variety of methods
and/or products that will minimize the
impact of these costs.
Green technology is more than changing a couple of light bulbs or reducing waste. In 2009, the concept is relevant
in every facet of manufacturing as companies make a greater push towards energy efficiency and sustainability. In the power transmission and motion control fields, this technology has been integrated into the daily routine, both as an environmentally
friendly business venture and a way to offer green products to customers. It’s apparent that the revitalization of manufacturing, both here and abroad, will center on energy technology.
Perhaps you don’t need convincing that sustainability is the wave of the future. But where to start? Resources of all types—from websites to trade shows to white papers—are waiting to help green your operation. Most areas are home to regional business alliances devoted to helping local manufacturing outlets contribute in an environmentally sound manner. Here are a few go-to resources for going green.