

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-06-13

Gates Publishes Annual Sustainability Report

Gates recently published its 2021 corporate sustainability report highlighting progress toward goals, transparency and Eco-Innovation. 

REVOLUTIONS | 2021-07-16

The Sustainable Shop Floor

Energy from renewable sources? Natural resource conservation? Reduction in pollution and waste? Energy efficient components? Many talk a good game ...

The Power Shift

Companies look to fuel economy, energy efficiency and operating costs to improve off-highway applications.
| 2020-11-18

A Changed World - Challenges and Opportunities

2020 started out like a normal year with some chatter about a virus outbreak in China but then events quickly spread and the world, as we knew it, ...
| 2019-08-08

The 6 Latest Trends in Direct Drive Motor Technology

Despite the maturity of the machine tool industry, allowing for many advancements in engineering design over the span of decades, a machine is stil...
PUBLISHER'S PAGE | 2019-08-01


I'd like to invite you to come visit us at Motion+Power Technology Expo. The show takes place in October at Cobo Center in Detroit, and we'll be there in booth #3826.
| 2019-06-03

Morgan Advanced Materials Examines Wind Turbine Mechanics

Reliance on wind power is increasing, so the industry must continue to find ways to operate more efficiently, while reducing maintenance and costs....
EVENTS | 2018-10-01


The complete technical Calendar from the October 2018 issue of Power Transmission Engineering.
| 2018-09-25

Future of E-Mobility

Schaeffler Touts System Solutions and Electrification at Detroit Symposium

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A Mechanical Healthcare Plan

Motor Operation Gets Big Boost from Smart Technology (Here's How to Take Advantage)
| 2017-11-16

Force Control Brakes Assist in Helicopter Transmission Overhaul

Professional Aircraft Accessories, a Greenwich AeroGroup company based in Titusville, Florida, is a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Europ...
| 2017-07-10

Nordex Teams with University of Hartford on Prosthetics for Kids Project

Charles Paulsen, associate director of the Mechanical and Manufacturing Technologies for Energy and Sustainability (MET2) program at the Connecticu...
| 2017-03-06

Servo Loop Tuning: A Practical Approach

Although servomotors have an unquestionable performance capability, the final performance is mostly determined by the servo loop tuning. Servomo...
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2017-03-01

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the March 2017 issue of Power Transmission Engineering.
| 2016-10-10

Factoring In the Power Factor

Recently our customers have indicated a great concern over power factors when starting new development projects for higher-efficiency motors. Wh...
| 2016-06-14

Mobility for Tomorrow

  CTI Symposium USA Examines Global Transmission Market Matthew Jaster, Senior Editor It began with the dinosaurs. There wa...
POWER PLAY | 2015-02-01

The Science Fiction Addiction

It seems preposterous in the whimsical, wireless world of today, but in 1977 cinema’s greatest visioneers came together and decided the pinnacle of robotic technology in the future would be a motorized trash can.
PRODUCT NEWS | 2014-03-01

Product News

The complete Product News section from the March 2014 issue of Power Transmission Engineering.

Sky Science

S.S. White Provides Twisting, Turning Power Transmission with Flexible Shafts

Medical Pumps with Uncommon Sens(ors)

New generation sensors are improving our quality of life.

The Best-Kept Secret in Green Technology

The Bearing Specialists Association explains the role of bearings in ensuring the efficient operation of machinery.
POWER PLAY | 2009-08-01

Now That Is Product Placement

ABB Robotics gets free advertising via summer blockbuster.

How Green is Your Gearbox

Rising energy costs and concerns about global warming are at the forefront of today’s news. Turn to local or national TV programming, browse the internet or read the paper and one can find numerous stories about the seemingly irreversible energy costs and the subsequent impact that these costs have on simply doing business. As a result, we as individuals are becoming increasingly aware of the cost of energy and we are being introduced to a variety of methods and/or products that will minimize the impact of these costs.

The Green Revolution - A Global Win-Win

Green technology is more than changing a couple of light bulbs or reducing waste. In 2009, the concept is relevant in every facet of manufacturing as companies make a greater push towards energy efficiency and sustainability. In the power transmission and motion control fields, this technology has been integrated into the daily routine, both as an environmentally friendly business venture and a way to offer green products to customers. It’s apparent that the revitalization of manufacturing, both here and abroad, will center on energy technology.

Going Green 101

Perhaps you don’t need convincing that sustainability is the wave of the future. But where to start? Resources of all types—from websites to trade shows to white papers—are waiting to help green your operation. Most areas are home to regional business alliances devoted to helping local manufacturing outlets contribute in an environmentally sound manner. Here are a few go-to resources for going green.