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Solar Atmospheres
Solar Atmospheres specializes in vacuum heat treating, vacuum nitriding, vacuum brazing as well as vacuum carburizing services. With processing expertise and personalized service, Solar will process your small or large parts efficiently with our unique range of over 60 vacuum furnaces. Sizes range from lab furnaces to the world's largest commercial vacuum furnace.

Ajax Tocco Magnethermic

ALD Thermal Treatment, Inc.

Applied Thermal Technologies

Bennett Heat Treating & Brazing Co., Inc.

Bluewater Thermal Solutions

Bodycote Thermal Processing - Melrose Park

Braddock Metallurgical

Darby Metal Treating

Hi TecMetal Group

Inductoheat Inc.

Industrial Pulley & Machine Co, Inc.

Kiesler Machine Inc.

Kowalski Heat Treating

Metallurgical Processing, Inc.


Midwest Thermal-Vac Inc.

Nitrex Metal Inc.

Oregon Induction + Thermal


Specialty Steel Treating Inc.

Spectrum Thermal Processing

Zion Industries