
October 1, 2021

Design Publisher's Page Power Industry Associations AGMA Trade Shows MPT Expo

Coming Together

Coming Together

Randy Stott,
Publisher & Editor-in-Chief

The American Gear Manufacturers Association recently held our biennial trade show, the Motion+Power Technology Expo. Although it was a smaller, quieter show than normal, it was well worthwhile for those who were able to make it.

And although you couldn't really say there were crowds at MPT Expo, there were times when certain booths were, in fact, crowded — particularly among some of the larger suppliers of gear manufacturing equipment.

We heard from many exhibitors who told us they'd gotten solid leads at the show. One gear manufacturing exhibitor told me about a visitor who walked up to his booth with a briefcase full of part prints and tales of his supply chain woes. He was looking for a new gear supplier. As it turned out, the parts were a perfect fit for this manufacturer, and the exhibitor was hopeful about the new business that might be coming.

That exhibitor wasn't alone, either. We heard similar tales from others at the show. Even though it was a small event, it was still worthwhile. If you're sitting at home thinking you missed out, you're probably right. You should have been there. You probably could have solved some of your own supply chain woes.

For those of you who couldn't make it, we're here to help. While at the show, we recorded a number of videos featuring the companies and technologies that were presented. You'll be able to experience some parts of the show by tuning in to Gear Technology TV and Power Transmission Engineering TV on our websites. You'll see video interviews with exhibitors and explanations of some of the latest technology.

The best way to make sure you see those videos is by going to www.powertransmission.com/tv/ or www.geartechnology.com/tv/. Of course, if you've subscribed to our newsletter, we'll be highlighting some of these videos over the coming months. If you haven't subscribed, you can sign up at www.powertransmission.com/subscribe.htm.

These days, everybody's supply chain is backed up, and everybody is looking for solutions. MPT Expo was just one place where you could have found them. Fortunately, there are others. One of those is the Power Transmission Engineering Buyer's Guide. Our annual printed directory comes out in December, so there's still time to get listed if your company is a supplier of gears, gear drives, bearings, motors, clutches, couplings or other mechanical power transmission components or related supplies and services. All you have to do is go to www.powertransmission.com/getlisted.php and fill out the form to be sure your company will be included in the printed Buyer's Guide. Plus, that way you're also automatically included in the online buyers guide that is the most comprehensive directory of suppliers in our industry.

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This article appeared in the October 2021 issue.

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