
Guillermo Enrique Morales-Espejel

Guillermo Enrique Morales-Espejel, principal scientist, SKF Research and Technology Development, The Netherlands, received a Ph.D. in tribology from the University of Cambridge, U.K. Credentials include chair professor at LaMCoS, INSA de Lyon, France, visiting professor at Imperial College London. He has 24 years of experience in roller bearings with scientific interests in modeling of bearing life, friction, lubrication, and surface life.

Articles by Guillermo Enrique Morales-Espejel


Spindle Bearingsā€”Potential Damaging Mechanisms and Mitigation

Modern spindle applications of rolling bearings require very high speeds and very high loads, often combined with poor lubrication conditions and/or high solid contamination. Examples of these applications are high-speed and high-cutting rate machine tools, where rolling bearings need to survive very though conditions. Rolling bearings in high speed and high load conditions might suffer from poor lubrication and potentially surface distress and adhesive wear. 

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