The Path to Smarter Bearings
The Path to Smarter Bearings
Interview with Stefan Hantke

At Hannover Messe, Power Transmission Engineering had the opportunity to sit down with Stefan Hantke, president of the Industrial North America division of Schaeffler USA, to discuss the current stateof- the-art in bearings manufacturing, the trends in industrial bearings and the current state of U.S. manufacturing. (In the meantime Stefan Hantke has taken over responsibility for the global sales activities of Schaeffler Industrial)
What are the main areas of technical advance with regard to bearings for large, high-power applications such as wind turbines?
What we are seeing in the industry are different trends. One clear trend is downsizing leading to higher power density. At Schaeffler, we have responded to this demand for example with the X-Life bearing program. XLife means extended life rating. So XLife is our best-in-class bearing—you have the highest lifetime, you have the highest load carrying capacity, you have the best bearing in its class. This is what X-Life means.
Friction reduction is another demand out of the market, because friction reduction means a reduction in energy consumption. We see this trend in every device you can see in the field—especially in Europe, but in the U.S. as well—customers are focused on the reduction of energy consumption. They are looking for the complete system and solution for energy consumption.

Further, our customers are asking more and more for predictive analysis of bearings. For example, they really want to have a clear calculation of the lifetime of the grease lubricant. And they want to know the life of the bearing. How rigid is the bearing? And not just the bearing. At the end of the day they want to know the complete system. So with our response to these demands, we are going to approach a complete system understanding. For example, with our BEARINX calculation program, you can simulate bearings as well as complete transmissions regarding, for example, lifetime or stiffness including the shaft and the bending of the shaft. Everything is considered in BEARINX.