
Retaining Rings

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-10-19

Smalley Offers Custom Ring or Wave Spring Service

Smalley offers a custom retaining ring or wave spring service. These custom components are created with your application, budget, and timeline in mind. Creating a custom retaining ring or wave spring is easy with Smalley's 30+ team of experienced, industry-specialized engineers for personalized application support.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-08-29

Smalley Wins GM Supplier Quality Excellence Award for 10th Consecutive Year

Smalley received the 2021 General Motors Supplier Quality Excellence Award for the 10th consecutive year.

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2022-07-12

Smalley Europe Celebrates 20 Years of Local Service

Smalley is proud to celebrate that they have locally supported the European market for 20 years. In 2002, Smalley opened their first global branch office in France to provide quick and personalized service to European customers.