
Research Organizations

POWER PLAY | 2019-03-01

No Regrets Over Lost Opportunity

It was recently announced that the planet Mars has at least one thing in common with planet Earth: all good things come to an end. In this case, the good thing is the recently announced and documented (Feb. 12) demise of the Mars rover Opportunity.

Vibration and Operational Characteristics of a Composite-Steel (Hybrid) Gear

Free vibration and dynamic operation testing of hybrid gears at NASA Glenn Spur Gear Fatigue Test Facility; hybrid gears are compared to their steel counterparts.

An Open-And-Shut Case: Greases for Gear Applications

For the lubrication of open gear drives used in different industrial applications such as cement and coal mills, rotary furnaces, or where the sealing conditions are difficult, semi-fluid greases are often used in preference to fluid oils. For girth gear applications the greases are used with a splash or spray lubrication system. The selection of such greases influences pitting lifetime and the load-carrying capacity of the gears, as well as wear behavior
PUBLISHER'S PAGE | 2016-04-01

He Shoots, He Scores!

There’s nothing quite as satisfying as scoring a goal. Here at Power Transmission Engineering, our goal is to provide you with as much relevant educational and technical material as possible, and every issue we strive to cover the subjects of power transmission and motion control from as many different angles as possible, so that no matter your job title, and no matter your industry, if gears, bearings, motors and related components are important to you, we’ve got you covered.

Homogeneous Geometry Calculation of Arbitrary Tooth Shapes: Mathematical Approach and Practical Applications

This paper provides a mathematical framework and its implementation for calculating the tooth geometry of arbitrary gear types, based on the basic law of gear kinematics. The rack or gear geometry can be generated in two different ways: by calculating the conjugate geometry and the line of contact of a gear to the given geometric shape of a known geometry (e.g., a cutting hob), or by prescribing the surface of action of two gears in contact and calculating the correspondent flank shapes.
POWER PLAY | 2015-04-01

Whats In a Meme

Rosetta Mission mixes with Maxon, Kim K for one unforgettable photo

Getting a Piece of that Sweet Coupling Pie

He was out. Nine years ago, Ross Rivard left the coupling industry for the shimmering new world of luxury automotive components at Lacks Enterprises, where he was immediately enveloped by platinum trim systems and chrome composite wheels. It was glitz and glam and as sparkly clean as the fresh-fromthe-dealership cars his products were embellished onto.

Load Capacity and Efficiency of Grease-Lubricated Worm Gears

Varying installation requirements for worm gears, as, for example, when used in modular gear systems, can necessitate grease lubrication - especially when adequate sealing for oil lubrication would be too complex. Such worm gears are being increasingly used in outside applications such as solar power plants and slew drives. While knowledge about the operating conditions is often appropriate, the basic understanding for load capacity and efficiency under grease lubrication is quite poor. Investigations done at FZG and sponsored by FVA/AiF are shown here to give an impression of the basic factors of load capacity and efficiency. The results of the investigation indicate a satisfying quality of calculations on heat, load capacity and efficiency based on characteristic parameters of the base oil with only slight modifications to the methodology known from DIN 3996 or ISO TR 14521.
POWER PLAY | 2013-08-01


For the Seabees, hazardous construction zones have always been part of the job.
POWER PLAY | 2012-02-01

Major Tom Meets Rocket Man

NASA launches Third Rock Radio.

Gear Drive Selection Process for the Parcel Handling Industry

This article is designed to help describe the selection process of a reducer to be used in the parcel handling industry. It will go over the different applications for which gearboxes are used throughout parcel handling facilities such as UPS, FedEx and DHL.

Start, Design and Market Your Engines

Honeywell and SAE team up for a unique middle school initiative.