
Gear Expo

EVENTS | 2019-12-01


The complete technical calendar from the December 2019 issue of Power Transmission Engineering.
PUBLISHER'S PAGE | 2019-08-01


I'd like to invite you to come visit us at Motion+Power Technology Expo. The show takes place in October at Cobo Center in Detroit, and we'll be there in booth #3826.
PUBLISHER'S PAGE | 2019-06-01

Get Ready, Get Set...Show

If you are involved in the acquisition of technology (whether your direct role is machine design, maintenance, purchasing or management), trade shows still provide one of the best ways to evaluate options, learn about the latest technology and find solutions to problems.

Gears, Fluid Power and Electric

The American Gear Manufacturers Association has evolved its trade show. What was formerly Gear Expo is now the Motion + Power Technology Expo (MPT Expo), an event intended to represent the entire motion and power transmission supply chain. As part of the expansion of the show’s scope, AGMA has partnered with the NFPA (National Fluid Power Association) to include a fluid power pavilion and additional educational sessions.
| 2019-01-23

Improperly Testing Belt Tension Can Easily Damage Small Motors

Donald P. Labriola II, president and founder of QuickSilver Controls, Inc. Most of us want to just instinctively squeeze a belt between a pair o...

Gear Expo 2017 Follow-Up

The following recap looks at some of the exhibitors from Gear Expo that manufacture mechanical power transmission components or provide resources for these components.
| 2017-09-05

Buying Gear Drives? Try Gear Expo

Gear Expo is right around the corner, and that means that pretty soon all things gearing will be squarely in the spotlight. Custom gear manufacturi...

Gear Expo 2017 Showstoppers

This special advertising section highlights exhibitors from Gear Expo 2017 and ASM Heat Treat 2017.
PUBLISHER'S PAGE | 2017-09-01

Gear Expo is for Gear Buyers

Most of you who read this magazine have a close relationship with gears and gear drives. According to our surveys, 75% of you recommend, specify or buy them. It's a shame, then, that the majority of you will miss Gear Expo (Oct. 24-26 in Columbus, OH) this year.

Gear Expo 2017 Booth Previews

Highlights from some of the gear, gear drive, power transmission component, software, materials and related exhibitors at Gear Expo 2017.

Gear, Gear Drive and Power Transmission Component Suppliers at Gear Expo 2017

Our listings of the booths at Gear Expo 2017 that are most relevant to PTE readers.
PUBLISHER'S PAGE | 2017-08-01

Harvesting Knowledge

The season of harvest is upon us. And I don't mean crops, although here in the U.S. Midwest, there's plenty of that going on, too. No, what I mean is knowledge, because in addition to being the end of the growing season, the transition between summer and fall also marks the busiest time of year when it comes to trade shows, conferences and industry gatherings.
VOICES | 2017-06-01

Gear Expo - The Drive Technology Show

Where do you go to find new suppliers for your power transmission projects? Where do you test drive the latest technologies available?
PUBLISHER'S PAGE | 2017-04-01

Bearing Good News

This issue's focus on bearings includes a number of important and informative articles about one of the most key components in any machine design.

Gear, Gear Drive and Power Transmission Component Suppliers at Gear Expo 2015

Gear, Gear Drive and Power Transmission Component Suppliers at Gear Expo 2015

Gear Expo 2015: Gears Galore!

You may well have already read the following Gear Expo description on the AGMA Website.
PUBLISHER'S PAGE | 2015-09-01

Top 5 Reasons To Go to Gear Expo

Gear Expo 2015 takes place October 20–22 in Detroit. If you haven’t already made plans to attend the show, you might be might be missing out on a great chance to learn more about gears, find new potential suppliers and network with your peers.
ASK THE EXPERT | 2014-09-01

TLC Still Needed for New Axles

A reader asks: I have heard that new axles no longer need a break-in period. True or false?
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2013-10-01

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the October 2013 issue of Power Transmission Engineering.
PUBLISHER'S PAGE | 2013-10-01

Seeking Suppliers

Last month's Gear Expo in Indianapolis provided a great opportunity to meet potential suppliers of mechanical power transmission components -- mostly gears and gear drives, of course, but also a smattering of suppliers of bearings and motors as well.

Gear, Gear Drive and Power Transmission Component Suppliers at Gear Expo 2013

Map and listings of the exhibitors providing power transmission components.

Shaking Hands in Indianapolis

Gear manufacturers set to talk with gear buyers at Gear Expo 2013.
PUBLISHER'S PAGE | 2013-08-01

Gear Expo - Gear Buyers Bonanza

If you’re reading this magazine, there's a good chance you're somehow involved in the design, specification or purchase of gears or geared products. As such, I urge you to make plans now to attend Gear Expo in Indianapolis, September 17-19
| 2013-08-01

PT Extras

Gear Expo coverage, plus a new video from Motion Industries and Rexnord.

Gear Expo Show Stoppers

Our special advertising section with a focus on Gear Expo 2011.

Gears for Industry, Gears for Defense, Gears for Almost Anything at Gear Expo 2011

What would Gear Expo be without gear manufacturers? While it is useful and indeed necessary to keep abreast of the new machinery out there that will be front-and-center at the show, it is of equal import to check out the finished product - GEARS.
POWER PLAY | 2011-10-01

Shape-Shifters at Cal Tech Work at Perfecting Metallic Glass

There are no alchemists at the California Institute of Technology, but a team of research scientists at the Pasadena-based institution is doing some pretty remarkable things "transforming something common into something special."

Gear Drive Selection Process for the Parcel Handling Industry

This article is designed to help describe the selection process of a reducer to be used in the parcel handling industry. It will go over the different applications for which gearboxes are used throughout parcel handling facilities such as UPS, FedEx and DHL.
INDUSTRY NEWS | 2011-08-01

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the August 2011 issue of Power Transmission Engineering.