
Tapered Roller Bearings

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2025-02-18

Elgeti Offers Bearing Engineering Seminars

The Elgeti online spring engineering seminars begin soon. Additionally, Elgeti offers customized and private sessions if needed. Here's a quick look at the schedule:

INDUSTRY NEWS | 2023-05-15

Motion Announces Executive Officer Promotions

Motion Industries, Inc. is pleased to announce the promotions of Joe Limbaugh to executive vice president – chief operations officer and James Howe to executive vice president – chief commercial officer/chief technology officer, effective June 1, 2023

| 2018-02-02

Framo Morat and Dunkermotoren Produce Drive Systems for AGVs

Driverless transport systems have proven to be extremel...
| 2017-09-05

Buying Gear Drives? Try Gear Expo

Gear Expo is right around the corner, and that means that pretty soon all things gearing will be squarely in the spotlight. Custom gear manufacturi...
| 2017-05-30

Induced Axial Load

Every bearing that has a non-zero contact angle will generate an axial load as a radial load is applied. This generated load is referred to by a fe...

Setting Techniques for Tapered Roller Bearings

Tapered roller bearings can be set at initial machine assembly to any desired axial or radial clearance. This unique feature enables a designer to control bearings to meet anticipated application operating conditions, and thereby provide optimum bearing and system performance.
EVENTS | 2015-08-01


Calendar of upcoming events
ASK THE EXPERT | 2014-09-01

TLC Still Needed for New Axles

A reader asks: I have heard that new axles no longer need a break-in period. True or false?

Dude - Where's My Preload

Many of us have been there; the bearings had the correct preload. You know it, you were there, and you personally saw the measurements. Now, the testing is done and the preload is gone. Not a little gone, not sort of gone - gone, gone. Finger pointing ensues. Suppliers are dragged in by their wrinkly Polo collars. You know the drill. Losing preload in a tapered roller bearing (TRB) system over the life of your application can be a troublesome problem, particularly for gear sets that are prone to noise or severe applications that rely on a very rigid and stable system.
ASK THE EXPERT | 2014-06-01

Adjusting Tapered Roller Bearings

What are the best methods to adjust tapered roller bearings?

Tapered Roller Bearing Application Guide

This article summarizes some common hurdles, issues and questions encountered by the newer and casual users of tapered roller bearings.

Microstepping Tutorial

This article describes the challenges involved in designing and implementing microstepping systems.

Improved Fuel and Energy Efficiency Through Optimized Bearing Design and Selection

Today, better fuel economy is a main objective in the automotive development process. It remains top-of-mind with the auto industry and consumers because of costs and environmental impacts. Because the industry’s average fuel-economy standard is required to increase by 40 percent by 2020, manufacturers and engineers are working to develop fuel-efficient, environmentally friendly and reliable designs for vehicles.