Murder. Mayhem. Machine Shops.
Fear comes in many forms. Every October we exploit these fears—everything from spiders, zombies, and clowns to serial killers, puppets or twin girls standing in a hallway. A recent conversation with colleagues about Halloween attractions prompted a discussion on the role manufacturing/engineering plays in shocking the senses this time of year.
And believe me when I say that the “fear of manufacturing” is a real thing.
Exhibit number one is the Eastern State Penitentiary’s Halloween Festival in Philadelphia.
“Hidden away from the world is a long-forgotten machine shop. Evil pervades this space—an evil with one mind but with many bodies. Will you survive or will you become just another cog in the machine?”
This is the premise for one of 13 Halloween attractions at the massive festival that contains five haunted houses, as well as historic tours, themed bars, live entertainment and more. Eastern State Penitentiary was once the most famous prison in the world, but stands today in ruin, a lost world of crumbling cellblocks and empty guard towers. This gothic structure, with soaring 30-foot-high fortress walls, is intimidating enough during the day. At night, the cellblocks fall into darkness and the penitentiary takes on a different energy.