
December 2017

PT Issue

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Publisher's Page

10 Years and Counting

Just over 10 years ago, we started publishing Power Transmission Engineering, and I'm proud to say we're still going strong.

Technical Articles

Progress in Rolling Bearing Technology for Refrigerant Compressors

Various surface treatment and bearing technology solutions are explored to solve challenging lubrication regimes.

Baldor Motor Basics - Part 9

Amps, Watts, Power Factor and Efficiency; Approximate Load Data from Amperage Readings; Power Factor Correction on Single-Induction Motors.

Vibration and Operational Characteristics of a Composite-Steel (Hybrid) Gear

Free vibration and dynamic operation testing of hybrid gears at NASA Glenn Spur Gear Fatigue Test Facility; hybrid gears are compared to their steel counterparts.

Feature Articles

CNC System Upgrades

Automated production of large objects such as auto body prototypes, boat hulls and surfboards traditionally requires computerized numerical control (CNC) systems costing nearly a million dollars. Thomson Cuts Costs and Production Time for Autoscale Inc.

Force Control Assists in Helicopter Transmission Overhaul

Oil shear brake technology is the key to quick and reliable test stand development.

Gear Expo 2017 Follow-Up

The following recap looks at some of the exhibitors from Gear Expo that manufacture mechanical power transmission components or provide resources for these components.

2017 PTE Buyers Guide

The 2017 Power Transmission Engineering Buyers Guide was compiled to provide you with a handy resource containing the contact information for significant suppliers of power transmission and related components.

Power Play

History of a Forgotten Engine

In 2017, there's more variety to be found under the hood of a car than ever. Electric, hybrid and internal combustion engines all sit next to a range of transmission types, creating an ever-increasingly complex evolutionary web of technology choices for what we put into our automobiles. But every evolutionary tree has a few dead end branches that ended up never going anywhere.

Product News

Product News

The complete Product News section from the December 2017 issue of Power Transmission Engineering, featuring the latest from SKF, R+W, Brecoflex, Nexen, G¼del, Renold Gears, Hansford Sensors, Ogura Industrial, Igus, Destaco, Röhm and Iwis.

Industry News

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the December 2017 issue of Power Transmission Engineering.



The complete Technical Calendar from the December 2017 issue of Power Transmission Engineering.