
October 2011

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Technical Articles

Best Practices for Selecting and Sizing Guide Wheels

How to select a guide wheel with the properties best-suited for a given application to create a system that reduces design costs and engineering changes, and lowers warranty, assembly, installation and mounting costs.

Step Motor Lower-Loss Technology - an Update

The demand for stepping motors with high efficiency and low losses has been increasing right along with the existing focus on high torque. The selection of the most suitable grade and improvement in the fastening of the laminated cores has reduced losses significantly at their peak when compared to conventional stepping motors.

Feature Articles

A Case for Large-Scale Manufacturing

Big components aim to revive the North American industrial market.

Gear Expo Show Stoppers

Our special advertising section with a focus on Gear Expo 2011.

Gears for Industry, Gears for Defense, Gears for Almost Anything at Gear Expo 2011

What would Gear Expo be without gear manufacturers? While it is useful and indeed necessary to keep abreast of the new machinery out there that will be front-and-center at the show, it is of equal import to check out the finished product - GEARS.

Power Play

Shape-Shifters at Cal Tech Work at Perfecting Metallic Glass

There are no alchemists at the California Institute of Technology, but a team of research scientists at the Pasadena-based institution is doing some pretty remarkable things "transforming something common into something special."

Product News

Product News

The complete Product News section from the October 2011 issue of Power Transmission Engineering

Industry News

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the October 2011 issue of Power Transmission Engineering.



The complete Technical Calendar from the October 2011 issue of Power Transmission Engineering.