
February 2012

PT Issue

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Publisher's Page

Free Energy for Sale...Are You Buying

Managing Editor Randy Stott takes a look at what is really stopping us from pursuing energy efficiency in engineering.

Technical Articles

Guidelines for Designing Better Motion Control Systems

Motion control systems engineers work chiefly in two well-defined areas: 1) new designs and 2) redesigns or retrofits. This article examines the best approach for each option.

Applying Open Gear Lubricants

When selecting an open gear lubricant for use in a particular application, the method of application used must be considered.

Optimizing Drive Systems for Energy Savings

In looking for potential opportunities to reduce energy consumption via the drive system, a number of areas should be considered.

Feature Articles

The Energy Efficient Agenda

Next time you are strolling across a manufacturing plant, check out the hardware on the ground. Shop floors are nothing but cables plugged into machines, cables plugged into computers, cables plugged into other cables...

Compact Loaders for Compact Spaces

Compact loaders are employed where large machines have no access or are over dimensioned. New hydrostatic drives from ZF meet the demanding needs of this market.

Power Play

Major Tom Meets Rocket Man

NASA launches Third Rock Radio.

Product News

Product News

The complete Product News section from the February 2012 issue of Power Transmission Engineering.

Industry News

Industry News

The complete Industry News section from the February 2012 issue of Power Transmission Engineering.



The complete Technical Calendar from the February 2012 issue of Power Transmission Engineering