
Power Transmission Engineering Buyer's Guide

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+ - Accessories

  Anti Vibration Mounts
  Base Plate Fastened Mounts
  Bushing & Gromet Mounts
  Cable Carriers
  Cable Isolators
  Cable Management
  Cam Followers
  Channel Mounts
  Damping Mountings
  Drive Tensioners
  Earthquake Antivibration Mounts
  Earthquake Spring Mounts
  Gel Mounts
  Indexing Drives
  Keyless Locking Devices
  Leaf Spring Mounts
  Leveling Wheels & Foot Mounts
  Machinery Mounts
  Maintenance and Production Tools
  Motor Bases
  Oil Rings
  Pads & Tapes
  Precision Spindles
  Retaining Rings
  Robotic Components
  Rotary Tables
  Rubber Mountings
  Seismic Antivibration Mounts
  Seismic Dampers
  Seismic Mounts
  Seismic Spring Mounts
  Shaft Collars
  Shock Absorbers
  Slip Rings
  Spring Vibration Mounts
  Steel Mesh & Cable Mounts
  Suspension Mounts
  Synthetic Lubricants
  Vibration Dampers
  Vibration Isolators
  Vibration Mounts
  Vibration Pads
  X-Y Tables

+ - Actuators

  Geared Actuators
  Linear Electric Actuators
  Linear Hydraulic Actuators
  Mechanical Actuators, Linear
  Mechanical Actuators, Rotary
  Piezoelectric Actuators, Linear
  Piezoelectric Actuators, Rotary
  Pneumatic Actuators, Linear
  Pneumatic Actuators, Rotary
  Rotary Electric Actuators
  Rotary Hydraulic Actuators
  Servo Actuators

+ - Adjustable Speed Drives

  AC Adjustable Speed Drives
  CVT Drives
  DC Adjustable Speed Drives
  Hydraulic Adjustable Speed Drives
  Mechanical Adjustable Speed Drives
  PIV Drives
  Positioning Drives

+ - Bearings

  Air Bearings
  Angular Contact Ball Bearings
  Ball Bearings
  Bearing Inspection
  Bearing Protection Rings
  Bush Bearings
  Ceramic Ball Bearings
  Cylindrical Roller Bearings
  Hydrodynamic Bearings
  Journal Bearings
  Linear Bearings
  Magnetic Bearings
  Miniature Ball Bearings
  Mounted Ball Bearing Units
  Mounted Plain Bearing Units
  Mounted Roller Bearing Units
  Needle Roller Bearings
  Pillow Blocks
  Plain Bearings
  Rod Ends
  Sintered Bearings
  Spherical Bearings
  Spherical Roller Bearings
  Spindle Bearings
  Split Flanges
  Split Pillow Blocks
  Split Roller Bearings
  Tapered Roller Bearings
  Thin-Section Bearings
  Thrust Bearings

+ - Belting & Belt Drives

  Belt Drives
  Belt-Chain Tensioners
  Conveyor Drives
  Expandable Pulley Belt Drives
  Flat Belt Pulleys
  Flat Belting
  Metal Belting
  Polyurethane Belts
  Polyurethane Timing Belts
  Round Belt Pulleys
  Round Belting
  Synchronous Belt Pulleys
  Synchronous Belting
  Timing Belts
  Timing Pulleys
  V-Belt Pulleys
  V-Ribbed Pulleys
  Variable Speed Belting
  Variable Speed Pulleys

+ - Brakes

  Air Cooled Brakes
  Caliper Brakes
  Centrifugal Brakes
  Eddy Current Brakes
  Electrically Actuated Friction Brakes
  Electromagnetic Brakes
  Electromechanical Brakes
  Friction Brakes-AC
  Friction Brakes-Cone
  Friction Brakes-Disc
  Friction Brakes-Drum
  Friction Brakes-Fail-Safe
  Friction Brakes-Torque Limiting
  Hydraulic Brakes
  Hydrodynamic Brakes
  Hysteresis Brakes
  Magnetic Particle Brakes
  Oil Immersed Brakes
  Pneumatically Actuated Friction Brakes
  Spring-Set Brakes
  Spring-Wrap Brakes
  Tension Brakes
  Water Cooled Brakes

+ - Chain & Chain Drives

  Chain Drives
  Chain-Belt Tensioners
  Engineering Class Chain
  Leaf Chain
  Metal Chain Sprockets
  Pintle Chain
  Plastic Chain
  Plastic Chain Sprockets
  Roller Chain
  Silent Chain

+ - Clutches

  Air Activated PTO (Power Take-Off)
  Backstop Clutches
  Centrifugal Clutches
  Clutch Return Springs
  Combination Clutch-Brakes
  Eddy Current Clutches
  Electrically Actuated Friction Clutches
  Electromagnetic Clutches
  Electromechanical Clutches
  Friction Clutches-Cone
  Friction Clutches-Disc
  Friction Clutches-Drum
  Hydraulically Actuated Friction Clutches
  Hysteresis Clutches
  Magnetic Particle Clutches
  Magnetic Synchronous Clutches
  Mechanical Lockup Clutches
  Mechanical PTO(Power Take-Off)
  Mechanically Actuated Friction Clutches
  Oil Immersed Clutches
  Oil Shear Clutches
  One-Way Clutches
  Overload Release Clutches
  Overrunning Clutches
  Pneumatically Actuated Friction Clutches
  Self-Actuating Clutches
  Single Position Jaw Clutch Units
  Slip Clutches
  Spring-Set Clutches
  Spring-Wrap Clutches
  Tension Clutches
  Tooth Clutches
  Torque Clutches
  Water Cooled Clutches

+ - Controls

  AC Inverter Drives
  AC Motor Controls
  Analog-Digital Converters
  Circuit Breakers
  Clutch & Brake Controls
  Control Switches
  DC Brake Controls
  Full Voltage Starters-Controls
  Limit Switches
  Motor-Controller Units
  Personal Computers
  Phase Converters
  Power Switches
  Pressure Switches
  Programmable Controllers
  Reduced Voltage Starters & Controls
  Register Control Systems
  Relay Controllers
  Servo Controllers
  Speed Controls
  Step Motor Controllers
  Switch Controllers
  Tension Controllers
  Torque & Horsepower Feedback Control

+ - Couplings & U-Joints

  Bellows Couplings
  Blindmate Coupling
  C-V Joints-Driveshafts
  Clutch Couplings
  Composite Disk Couplings
  Composite Shaft Couplings
  Curvic Couplings
  Diaphragm Couplings
  Disc Couplings
  Elastomeric Couplings
  Flexible Beam Couplings
  Flexible Metallic Couplings
  Flexible Nonmetallic Couplings
  Flexible Shafts
  Fluid Couplings
  Gear Couplings
  Grid Couplings
  Magnetic Couplings
  Metal Beam Couplings
  Metal Bellows Couplings
  Rigid Couplings
  Rubber-in-Shear Couplings
  Servo Couplings
  Shaft Couplings
  Spider Couplings
  Taper Bushes
  Torque Limiting Couplings
  Torsional Couplings
  Universal Joints
  Wrapped Spring Couplings

+ - Fluid Power

  Hose Clamps
  Hydraulic Accessories
  Hydraulic Fittings
  Hydraulic Motors
  Hydraulic Pressure Switches
  Hydraulic Pumps-Gear
  Hydraulic Pumps-Piston
  Hydraulic Pumps-Vane
  Hydraulic Valves
  Hydrodynamic Drives
  Hydrostatic Drives
  Leak Detection Equipment & Systems
  Pipe Plugs
  Pump Drives

+ - Gear Drives

  Aerospace Gearboxes
  Automatic Transmissions
  Automotive Axles
  Bevel Gear Drives
  Combination Drives
  Custom-Built Gearboxes
  Cycloidal Differentials
  Cycloidal Drives
  Differential Gear Drives
  Dual-Output Differentials
  Epicyclic Gear Drives
  Epicyclic-Planetary Differentials
  Gear-Shift Transmissions
  Gearbox Housings
  Gearboxes - Corrosion resistant
  Harmonic Gearing
  Helical Gear Drives
  Helical-Bevel Gearboxes
  Helicopter Gearboxes
  Herringbone Gear Drives
  Hollow Shaft Gearboxes
  Hypoid Gear Drives
  Inline Gearboxes
  Manual Shift Transmissions
  Marine Gear Drives
  Miter Gear Drives
  Multispeed Gearboxes
  Non-lubricated Gear Drives
  Planetary Gear Drives
  Planetary Gearheads
  Planetary Phase Shifter Differentials
  Power Take-Offs
  Precision Spindles
  Rack and Pinion Drives
  Register Control Differentials
  Right Angle Drives-Clutching
  Right Angle Drives-Reversing
  Right Angle Gearboxes
  Robotics Gearboxes
  Servo Gearheads
  Servo Reducers-Cycloidal
  Servo Reducers-Spiral Bevel
  Servo Reducers-Worm
  Shaft Mounted Speed Reducers
  Speed Control Differentials
  Speed Increasers
  Speed Reducers
  Spiral Bevel Gear Drives
  Spur Gear Drives
  Tension Control Differentials
  Torque Control Differentials
  Traction Drives
  Transfer Cases
  Variable Speed Drives
  Wind Turbine Gearboxes
  Worm Drives

+ - Gear Manufacturing Services

  Bevel Gear Manufacturing
  Broaching Services
  Deburring Services
  Gear Finishing Services
  Gear Forging Services
  Gear Grinding Services
  Gear Hobbing Services
  Gear Honing & Burnishing Services
  Gear Lapping Services
  Gear Rack Manufacturing Services
  Gear Shaping Services
  Gear Shaving Services
  Prototype Manufacturing
  Spline Rolling Services
  Stock Gear Manufacturing

+ - Gears

  Aerospace Gears
  Automotive Gears
  Automotive Starter Ring Gears
  Bevel Gears, Spiral and Hypoid
  Bevel Gears, Straight
  Cast Tooth Gears
  Coarse Pitch Gears
  Custom Gear Manufacturing
  Face Gears
  Fine Pitch Gears
  Forged Gears
  Gear Blanks
  Gear Breakdown-Emergency Service
  Geared Shafts
  Ground Gears
  Helical Gears
  Herringbone Gears
  Hypoid Gears
  Hypoid Gears-High Ratio
  Hypoid Gears-Super Ratio
  Injection Molded Plastic Gears
  Internal Gears
  Internal Splines
  Marine Gears
  Medium Pitch Gears
  Miniature Gears
  Mining Gears
  Miter Gears
  Non-circular Gears
  Non-lubricated Gears
  Pinion Gears
  Pinion Wire
  Planetary Gears
  Plastic Gears-Cut
  Plastic Gears-Injection Molded
  Powder Metal Gears
  Pump Gears
  Punched Gears
  Ring Gears-Bevel
  Ring Gears-Internal
  Ring Gears-Spur or Helical
  Skived Gears
  Slewing Rings
  Spiral Bevel Gears
  Splined Shafts
  Spur Gears
  Starter Ring Gears
  Steering Sectors
  Stock Gears
  Straight Bevel Gears
  Worm Wheels

+ - Industrial Hardware and Machine Parts

  Catches, Ball
  Catches, Industrial
  Catches, Lock
  Catches, Magnetic
  Handles, Flush
  Handles, Metric
  Handles, Panel
  Handles, Pull
  Hinges, 180-Degree
  Hinges, Friction
  Hinges, Lift-Off
  Hinges, Spring
  Knobs, Control
  Knobs, Lobed
  Knobs, Machine
  Knobs, Wing
  Leveling Mounts
  Levers, Adjustable Tension
  Levers, Clamping
  Levers, Metric
  Levers, Tension
  Machine and Handwheel Grips
  Machine Keys
  Scallop Handwheels with Grip
  Stationary Grip Handwheels
  Support Feet
  Three-Spoke Handwheels
  Wave Springs

+ - Linear Motion Devices

  Anti-Backlash Nuts
  Ball Screw Repair
  Ball Screws
  Brushless Linear Motors
  Electric Linear Motors
  Fixed Pitch Linear Drives
  Lead Screws
  Linear Actuators
  Linear Motion Assemblies
  Linear Motion Controls
  Linear Servo Motors
  Nanopositioning Linear Stages
  Roller Screws
  Screw Jacks
  Variable Pitch Linear Drives

+ - Lubrication

  Bearing Greases
  Greases, Oils and Lubricants
  Lubricating Equipment

+ - Motors

  AC 1-Phase Motors
  AC 3-Phase Motors
  AC Induction-Wound Motors
  AC Motors
  AC Motors-Synchronous
  AC Motors-Universal
  Axial Airgap Motor
  Brushless Rotary Motors
  DC Brush-Type Motors
  DC Brushless Motors
  DC Motors
  Fluid Motors
  Fractional HP motors
  Linear Motors
  Motor Enclosures
  Motor Mountings
  Motor Protection
  Motor Rails
  Overhung Load Adaptors
  Pancake Motor
  Piezoelectric Rotary Motor
  Servo Motors
  Servo Motors-AC Servo
  Servo Motors-Brushless DC
  Servo Motors-DC Servo
  Servo Motors-Linear
  Step Motors
  Torque Motors

+ - Resources

  Education and Training
  Research Institutions
  Trade Associations
  Trade Shows and Events

+ - Seals


+ - Sensors

  Acceleration Sensors
  Flow Sensors
  Force Transducers
  Gas Sensors
  Hazardous Area Sensors
  Humidity-Moisture Sensors
  Linear Encoders
  Liquid Sensors
  Load Sensors
  Magnetic Field Sensors
  Optical Encoders
  Position Sensors
  Pressure Sensors
  Rotary Encoders
  Speed Sensors
  Temperature Sensors
  Tilt Sensors
  Torque Sensors
  Torque Transducers
  Vibration Sensors
  Viscosity Sensors

+ - Services

  Asset Management
  CAD Services
  Failure Analysis
  Field Inspection
  Gear Design
  Gearbox Repair
  Machine Design
  Metallurgical Testing Service
  Oil Analysis
  Vibration Analysis

+ - Software

  Design Engineering Software