
Marius Willecke

Marius Willecke, M. Sc. studied Mechanical Engineering at RWTH Aachen University 2019, graduating with distinctions. Since 2019, he has served as a research assistant at WZL of RWTH Aachen University. His primary interests include end-of-line testing development of tooth contact simulation software and simulation of the acoustic behavior of gearboxes.

Articles by Marius Willecke


Virtual End-of-Line Test

Tooth contact analysis is an integral part of the gear design process. With the help of these simulation tools, it is possible to calculate the excitation caused by a tooth contact (Ref. 1). Usually, the load-free transmission error or the total transmission error under load is used for this purpose. However, the calculation with the tooth contact analysis ZAKO3D allows only a quasi-static consideration of the excitation. To better evaluate the behavior in the overall system, it is therefore necessary to perform a dynamics simulation. However, the main disadvantage of such dynamics simulations is the much longer computing time compared to quasi-static tooth contact analyses due to the high computational effort.

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