Power Transmission Engineering Magazine

ABB Appoints Campbell to Head Robot Products in North America

September 23, 2010

ABB Robotics recently announced the appointment of Joe Campbell as vice president of its U.S. Robot Products Group, according to Michael Mahfet, vice president and general manager of ABB's overall North American robotics business. Campbell, who joined ABB Robotics in September of 2008 as the vice president of sales & marketing, will lead the sales, market development, technical support and production delivery of ABB robots in the United States. The overall ABB robotics operation in North America consists of the robot products, robot systems and customer service groups.  Campbell will report directly to Mahfet.

Campbell is a 28 year veteran of the robotics industry having held prominent positions with key robot manufacturers and system integrators, as well as with robotics related consulting organizations in the engineering, strategic development and marketing areas. In his new role Campbell will continue to develop existing and emerging markets for ABB robots, while also working to efficiently and profitably deliver production and technical support to systems integrators and end users alike.

"I am excited to take on this expanded role with ABB Robotics and I truly believe that we are entering an extended period that will be very strong for our business," Campbell says. "We have a great foundation in both automotive and general industry markets, and the latest investments in new products and applications will bring real value to our manufacturing customers."

Mahfet commented, "Joe's experience in all aspects of the robot industry translates into deep domain expertise that will be critical as we continue to expand our business. Joe is an excellent fit for this demanding leadership role, and a strong part of our executive team."