Product News

August 8, 2023

Automation Food Food & Beverage Material Handling Motion Control Packaging Robotics Product News Pack Expo

KUKA Highlights Robotic and Material Handling Solutions at Pack Expo Las Vegas

In several working demonstrations, KUKA Robotics will showcase various innovative automation solutions for specific handling applications during Pack Expo 2023 in booth C-3236 Central Hall.

For the handling of primary foods, KUKA, together with integrator Torfresma, will demonstrate the KR3 Delta HM robot in a solution for the primary foods industry. The demonstration exemplifies how KUKA automation provides increased production control while helping food-processing companies reduce operating costs, avoid failures and maintain high quality standards.

The KR 3 DELTA hygienic robot provides outstanding performance and value for pick-and-place applications for the food, packaging, electronics and pharmaceutical industries. The KR 3 DELTA combines precise grip, corrosion resistance and minimal maintenance requirements to excel in sensitive high-speed production applications. This ceiling-mounted robot offers a reach of 1200 mm, a maximum payload capacity of 3 kg and cycle times as low as 0.5 seconds.

The robot is made from corrosion-resistant stainless-steel that protects against dust and moisture. The design accepts alkaline or acidic high-pressure cleaning and disinfection up to 100 kPa for simplified upkeep and shorter downtimes. Food-sector certified for material safety, the entire robot carries IP 67 high-protection certification, with IP 69K for axis 4 that is also ISO 3 rated for cleanroom applications.

To boost the efficiency of product bag handling, KUKA will showcase a cell from Elevation Packaging featuring a KR IONTEC robot. Whether on the floor, on the wall or inclined, the KR IONTEC combines compact design with the largest working envelope in its class for optimal use of space. Equipped with a waterproof and dustproof in-line wrist and protected motors, the robot is suitable for almost every area of application.

For those palletizing lines unsuitable for extensive centralized automation, the CUBE cell will show PACK EXPO attendees a solution for easy, end-of-line robotic palletizing. The cell, from KUKA partner FOCUS Integration, features a KR IONTEC palletizing robot and is designed for lines where conveyance is too costly, or production rates are too low for justifying the investment of a centralized palletizing system. 

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With a compact and portable 48”x 96” footprint, the ready-to-run CUBE ships on a single platform and installs within hours.  The cell’s software allows for fast and easy programming of new case sizes along with pallet patterns. Users simply enter case data and select the pallet pattern from intuitive on-screen prompts.

Addressing the needs for easy and efficient mobile automation, KUKA Robotics will spotlight its recently launched KMP 600-S diffDrive mobile platform automated guided vehicle (AGV) system at PACK EXPO 2023. The AGV will work with two KR IONTEC robots in a cell developed by Mujin for efficiently palletizing and depalletizing consumer goods. To coordinate robot movement, the cell incorporates a Mujin controller and camera system.

The KUKA KMP 600-S diffDrive mobile platform is fast, boasting an operating speed of up to two meters per second, and uses laser scanners and 3D object detection to meet the highest safety requirements, taking industrial intralogistics to new levels. Its payload capacity is up to 600 kg, and the vehicle requires no safety fencing to provide maximum freedom of movement for employees, while laser scanners mounted at the front and rear ensure safe operation at high speeds in all directions of travel when cycle times require it.

For the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry, KUKA will demonstrate the capability of its AGILUS, DELTA HM and SCARA robots in a pick and place/bin picking cell at PACK EXPO 2023. Designed to simulate a real production environment, the cell includes KUKA’s KR 3 DELTA Hygienic robot, KR 6 SCARA and KR 6 AGILUS robots.

The ultra-compact KR 6 SCARA with a 6-kg payload positions at a repeatability of +/- .02 mm. It offers reach/radius options of 500 and 700 mm and a Z-axis stroke of 2 mm. The KR 6 SCARA is strong, fast, highly efficient and delivers maximum economy. Both robots are paired with KUKA.VisionTech that provides powerful tools for 2D object recognition, quality control as well as code and optical character recognition.

KUKA’s KR 6 AGILUS in the FMCG cell ensures extreme versatility and agility. Adapting to any installation position, the six-axis KR 6 AGILUS is designed for particularly high working speeds, boasts a 10-kg payload, and comes in a wide range of variants for challenging applications such as clean rooms and potentially explosive environments.
