Product News

June 28, 2023

Manufacturing Components Drive Systems Drives Gearboxes Gearmotors Gears Product News

SEW-Eurodrive Offers Coating-Free Gearmotors in ECO2 Design

When drives are being used in closed and well-protected rooms, they don't need to be painted or coated. That is why ECO2 gearmotors from SEW-Eurodrive, which feature an aluminum housing, offer a solution that is as sustainable as it is cost-effective.

Both the production of coatings and solvents and the coating process itself consume a lot of energy and valuable resources. However, if an application or system is already well protected from heat, cold, and moisture, then there's no need to go through the energy-intensive process of applying coatings. That is why SEW-Eurodrive has decided to completely do without any kind of coating on its gearmotors in the new ECO2 design. After all, the aluminum housing of the drives is not susceptible to corrosion and acts as a natural protective shield. What's more, besides taking the coating itself out of the equation, this approach also eliminates the energy-intensive drying process that would follow coating. Furthermore, shorter cleaning and processing times also significantly reduce the use of cleaning agents. 

Additional advantages are that components that have not been coated or painted don't need to be recoated after repairs and can be recycled much more easily and in a more environmentally friendly way later on. All this helps to improve carbon footprints and cost efficiency well beyond the actual production process.


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