Industry News

November 29, 2022

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Heidenhain Presents Automation Solutions Showcase Online

Heidenhain will host a worldwide digital event for automation, running November 28 - December 16 with opportunities to join online with appointments available for North Americans over four days (December 5-8).

At this digital event, visitors will discover new inductive rotary encoder variants for robotic applications, a peek into the next generation of inductive scanning, and/or demonstrations of EnDat 3 interface, and more.  Besides the latest technology from Heidenhain, others from its family of brands will also be showcased including AMO, Etel, Numerik, Jena, Renco and RSF.  Information on applications for medical, semiconductor, electronics and elevator industries will be included.

Specifics highlights during the digital event will include:

  • The next generation of inductive encoders and new compact rotary encoders for motors with rigorous thermal requirements – inductive ECI 1122 and EQI 1134 and new KCI/KBI variants.
  • Encoder variants that are opening up new applications in advanced robotics such as the KCI 120Dplus, a dual encoder with motor position and joint position measurement in a single device. 
  • Encoder products as secondary options for robot motors with large shaft diameters – AMO WMRA.
  • Extra-small to extra-large encoder options, many for use in medical technology applications from all Heidenhain brands.
  • A look into the future of elevators where brake-monitoring switches will no longer be necessary due to the newest in rotary encoders – KCI 419Dplus.
  • PressFit absolute encoders for fast and reliable automated mounting in small axes – ECI 1119 and EQI 1131 versions.
  • With EnDat, Heidenhain is well established in the area of encoder interface, and at the digital event, the EnDat 3 bus operation with three different encoders will be demonstrated.  
  • Also, in the area of semiconductor and electronics automation, Heidenhain will showcase the latest technology from Etel including indexing tables, short-stroke actuators for turret handling – RTMB+, TUCANA ST and AQUARIUS ST.


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