E-mail: Material Specifications
E-mail Newsletter Impact Blocks
- Image - JPG or GIF, 250 pixels wide X 141 pixels tall. No animation allowed.
- Headline - Maximum eight (8) words
- Body Copy - Maximum fifty (50) words
- LINK - Please provide the exact URL where you want the traffic sent
Newsletter Sponsor Banner
- JPG or GIF, 728 x 90 pixels, max. file size 50 KB
Sponsored Content (Native Advertising)
Articles placed as sponsored content should be supplied either as PDF or MS-Word documents. Articles will be published either as PDF documents or in HTML format, at the publisher's discretion.
- Advertisers should provide both HTML format and text-only format
- HTML should be formatted for a maximum width of 600 pixels or 800 pixels
- All images should be provided as separate files along with the HTML, if GIF or JPG format, with a maximum file size of 50KB for any single image.
- All links should be embedded in the HTML.
File Submission
Please submit materials to Dorothy Fiandaca, Advertising Materials Coordinator
Technical Questions
Contact Megan Harrold, Digital Content Specialist.