Single Phase Power Solutions Delivers Motor with Written-Pole Technology
Single Phase Power Solutions introduces the 30 hp Belle Single-Phase Motor which uses Written-Pole technology to deliver clean 230 V or 460 V three-phase output from readily-available single-phase utility services. The utility-friendly starting and operating characteristics provided through the use of Written-Pole technology minimize voltage sags and flicker on long single-phase distribution lines. With unity power factory and high inertia start capability, this unique technology eliminates the need for phase converters or complex variable frequency drive installations. It is ideal for industrial applications in areas where three-phase power is not readily available or cost-effective, including pumps, compressors, injection wells, blowers, fans, dryers, water & wastewater processing and more.
Featuring a totally-enclosed fan-cooled design in a cast iron frame, this proven design is suitable for indoor or outdoor installation in some of the most demanding environments and applications. Rated as a 30 hp, 230/460 v, 1800 rpm electric motor, this innovative design delivers 95.5% efficiency at rated load with a near-unity power factor. The NEMA 356T frame motor weighs about 890 pounds and draws just 52 amps at full load (460 V – 105 amps at full load for 230 V).
The motor windings are fabricated using high-grade copper and Class H insulation materials similar to those used in premium three-phase electric motors. The design eliminates brushes, slip-rings and internal rotary switches, ensuring superior performance and reliability under harsh conditions.
Available in ratings from 30 - 100 hp, Belle Motors are ideal for many industrial, agricultural, mining, municipal, and oil & gas applications such as pumps, compressors, injection wells, as well as blowers, fans, dryers, water & wastewater processing and more.
The starting current draw of a Belle Motor is less than two times its rated full-load current, resulting in a starting demand that is less than 1/4 of conventional single or three-phase electric induction motor. The soft-start design, accomplished without reduced-voltage starting, dramatically increases the maximum horsepower rating that may be started and operated on rural single-phase utility distribution systems.