MindSphere World Makes Successful Trade Fair Debut at Hannover Messe
The maiden outing of the "MindSphere World e.V." user organization on the Siemens booth at this year's Hannover Messe was a resounding success. Association members such as Festo and Eisenmann were on hand to showcase concrete new MindSphere-based IoT solutions and applications to a lively stream of interested visitors. Established as recently as January 2018, the MindSphere World community is already demonstrating rapid growth, with members including Balluff GmbH, EOS GmbH, iba AG, Haas Schleifmaschinen GmbH, XITASO GmbH and other highly innovative companies already officially registered, while applications from a further 20 prospective members are currently being considered. The association is also set to take the next step to implement its plans for internationalization by establishing a corresponding MindSphere user organization in Italy over the coming weeks.
Jan Mrosik, MindSphere World e.V. board chairman and CEO of the Siemens Digital Factory Division, said: "We're delighted about the rapid industry-wide growth of the MindSphere World membership. This dynamic development testifies to the enormous interest which exists in IoT solutions across every sector of industry, and will drive even faster expansion of the worldwide MindSphere ecosystem."
The members are also in no doubt about the positive impetus of the MindSphere World presentation in the MindSphere Lounge at the Siemens booth in Hannover, both for the association itself and for the individual member companies.
"Alongside the many successful talks which went on around the trade fair booth, a particular highlight for us was the 'MindSphere Open Space Challenge' staged at the Siemens booth. A team of talented young researchers from the University of Manchester took up the challenge and developed a promising low-cost solution for optimizing pneumatic systems through data analysis," reports Andreas Oroszi, board member MindSphere World and senior vice president digital business at Festo.