
September 25, 2017

Product News

KHK Offers Diametral Pitch Gearing

For over 80 years, the Kohara Gear trademark KHK has been synonymous with stock metric gears. Recognizing the fact that 80% of the gears consumed in the USA are inch pitch, KHK USA is pleased to announce the availability of diametral pitch spur gears that have the same quality, performance, and cost as its traditional stock metric gears. These DP spur gears are detailed at the website below.
“With this new product line, we are able to leverage the factory expertise and provide a solution for those customers still using inch gearing,” said Brian Dengel, general manager of KHK USA. “We are responding to the markets demand that we offer stock inch gears in 4DP, 6DP, 8DP, and 10DP. Our customers have looked to us for a solution to other vendors who either offer a ridiculous lead time or an astronomic price. KHK USA can now fill that need with a KHK quality standard product, that meets the customers need for quality, cost, and delivery.”
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