
March 17, 2017

Industry News Product News

KISSsoft Module Defines Gear Body Deformation

For webbed gears, the deformation of the gear rim occurs in three dimensions and therefore cannot be calculated by the one-dimensional beam model approach used in the shaft calculation. This becomes even more complex if the web is displaced to the side and, consequently, the gear body is asymmetrical. For this kind of gear body the resilience in the axial plane can now be calculated with the integrated FE software. The deformations are converted to the plane of action and a more precise prediction of the misalignment of the flank line is obtained. You can check the results of the deformation calculation with the postprocessor software Salome.

The new DPK module in KISSsoft 03/2016 can be utilized to define the gear body geometry parametrically. Then with Code_Aster FE software, you can run a FE calculation and generate the influence matrix, which is used for the determination of the flank line deviation in the shaft and gear calculation – also for different load stages. The realistic evaluation of the tooth trace deformations forms the basis for a more precise calculation of the flank line correction and thus leads to a successful optimization of the gear running characteristics.

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