Pittman Offers Compact Encoders for OEM Designs
The new Pittman E21 family of 21 mm optical incremental encoders satisfy the demands of volume OEM precision-motion control applications. The E21 represents a huge improvement over its predecessor with a 40 percent lower profile, multichannel outputs and options yielding up to 32 times the resolution and up to 24 times the frequency response. Creative packaging also makes this an economical drop-in replacement for other encoder providers.
The E21C and E21D encoders are 5V, 2 and 3 channel optical encoders available in many different configurations. This modular encoder package comes in a compact 21-by-8 mm size with alternate mounting arrangements. Connections are available in a locking radial or optional axial connector in addition to standard radial. The E21C and E21D encoders operate from -20 to +85°C and weigh only 2.5 grams.
The E21C encoder has resolutions of 120, 125, 128, 200, 250, 256, 300 and 360 CPR. It outputs two-channel quadrature signals that are TTL compatible and available with optional complimentary channels. Operating frequency is 40 kHz (100 to 360 CPR).
The E21D has resolutions of 500, 512, 1000, 1024, 1600, 2000, 2048, 3200, 4000, 4096, 6400, 8000 or 8192. It outputs two-channel quadrature signals that are TTL compatible with an optional third channel index output. Complementary outputs also are available. Operating frequency is from 55 kHz to 960 kHz depending on resolution.
The E21C and E21D encoders are available in kit form and adapt easily to many Pittman motors. The E21 will fit shafts of different diameters up to 5mm. Prototype encoders are available now on request.