Aventics Releases Machine Safety Guide for Pneumatics
Aventics has published a manual titled “Machine Safety Expertise for Pneumatics,” covering key topics in the implementation of directives and standards for safety-related pneumatics. Protecting people, machines and property is the primary objective of safety-related pneumatic systems and components. For all production machinery, international standards and regulations define measures to prevent accidents through safe machine design. Aventics has published a guide that covers key topics in the implementation of relevant directives and standards for safety-related pneumatics using examples, circuit diagrams and products. The 48-page guide covers topics such as international directives and standards, hazards vs. risks, risk assessment, estimating performance level, implementing safety functions, diagnostic coverage, common causes of failure (CCF) and sharing of Aventics expertise and sample circuits in areas such as fieldbus, air preparation, safety valves plus locking and braking. The machine safety brochure is available for download and/or request a hard copy from the website below.