
November 4, 2015

Gear Drives Industry News Product News

New KISSsoft Feature Considers Compliance and Influence on Load Distribution in the Gearbox

In the static system analysis, a new feature considers housing compliance and influence on load distribution in the gearbox as well as load reaction force iteratively (module KS4). A stiffness matrix for housing is imported for this calculation. This stiffness matrix is generated from an FE calculation such as ANSYS, ABAQUS or similar.

The resulting shaft displacements cause a misalignment of toothing and have therefore an effect on the gear optimization, in particular when resilient housings and high forces are involved.

A reference project using the example of a shifted transmission of a motorcycle manufacturer in cooperation with the company CADFEM was recently presented at the KISSsoft User Meeting 2015 and can be requested, in case of interest, as power point presentation (in English) at info@KISSsoft.AG.

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