
July 6, 2012

Product News

Siemens Introduces Sitrans FC430

Siemens Industry Automation Division introduces the next generation of Coriolis flow measurement technology with the Sitrans FC430 digitally based flow solutions. One of the most compact flow meters on the market, the Sitrans FC430 features a short build-in length, suitable for liquid or gas applications within the process industry. The Sitrans FC430 is capable of optimizing a wide range of processes for increased productivity in industries such as chemical and pharmaceutical. The unit is suitable for multi-parameter measurement, and can be used in applications like fast filling, batch control, blending and dosing, as well as for the measurement of gases or fluids. The Sitrans FC430 features a compact frame, high accuracy measurement of 0.1 percent, low pressure loss, extremely stable zero point and data update capabilities of 100 Hertz. Innovative user friendly support tools provide direct access to all operational and functional data, certificates and audit trails. The Sitrans FC430 is amongst the first Coriolis flowmeters to offer SIL (Safety Integrity Level) 2 and 3 approval in hardware and software respectively, enabling maximum redundancy meeting the highest standards of safety and reliability. The highly automated production of the Sitrans FC430 ensures a flexible supply chain for rapid responses to customer inquiries. Very short lead times for tailor-made solutions are guaranteed by assembly robots guided by sophisticated 3-D vision laser systems.
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