
August 18, 2011

Industry News

RIA Unveils Improved Online Career Center

Jobs that pay well in the robotics industry can be found on the new and improved Career Center from the Robotics Industries Association (RIA). Members of the Association asked RIA to expand the reach of its Career Center to help them find candidates. Demand for robots is up markedly this year which spurs job openings, and recent changes to the Career Center make it one of the top ranked sources of visitors for Robotics Online. "It is encouraging how many opportunities are available in the robotics industry," says Jeff Burnstein, president, RIA. "Companies are investing in capital; especially in productivity tools like robotics. That leads to jobs, plain and simple, and we know so because our members keep telling us they have openings."

"User company memberships are up 30 percent through July and integrator memberships are up 25 percent," Burnstein adds. "Integrators need skilled people, especially engineers with mechanical and electrical backgrounds. Of course experience with robotics helps."

For some, experience with robotics starts at a two- or four-year college. There are more than 40 educational institutions that belong to RIA, the most ever in one year according to Association records. These schools represent the next wave of high-tech workers, and many schools are sponsored by RIA members anxious to hire students from their robotics programs. "Global pressure has forced all manufacturers to improve productivity and the robotics industry is among the top tier of advanced technology for better quality and higher output," Burnstein says. "There are jobs for people who can apply, sell, operate and maintain robots and RIA members are among the best companies in the world to work for. We hope to create many happy relationships with the new, improved Career Center." Full information on RIA activities can be viewed at the website below.

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