igus Launches 5th Manus Competition
The plastic development and bearing specialist igus GmbH, Cologne, has launched the 5th Manus Competition for plastic plain bearings. The success of the competition has led to it being opened to participants from all over the world for the first time this year. The Manus Competition is a joint initiative with academic partners such as the Institute for Composite Materials (Kaiserslautern) and the University of Applied Sciences in Cologne. More than 80 entries were received for the last competition two years ago, some of them quite spectacular.
Once again, innovative and unusual applications using lubricant and maintenance-free polymer bearings that stand out through technical and economical efficiency, creativity and/or surprising results are being sought. It is easy to take part: For assessment, the jury requires a brief description of the application or problem that had to be solved, including photos or sketches with a description of the solution and specification of the type of bearing involved. Entries that use solid plastic plain bearings and plastic compounds may be submitted for application but not applications that only use coated bearings.
Entries must be received by February 28, 2011 and an award ceremony will take place at Hannover Fair (April 4-8). The winner will receive $5,000 euros prize money with $2,500 and $1,000 euros for 2nd and 3rd place. For more information on the competition please visit the website below.