
November 18, 2010

Industry News

Altra Launches Aerospace/Defense Website

Altra Industrial Motion recently announced it has launched a new website that gives engineers and technical professionals in the aerospace and defense industries an application-specific resource for power transmission and motion control solutions. The website is organized in four sections: commercial and military fixed wing aircraft and rotary wing aircraft, naval vessels and land based support and combat vehicles and systems. Mission-critical application categories include helicopters, airliners, fighter and cargo jets, MRAPs, tanks, howitzers, submarines, aircraft carriers and more. Specific Altra brand products listed include clutches and brakes, couplings, overrunning clutches, enclosed and open gearing, overload clutches, linear actuators, bearing assemblies and torque limiters. All can be applied to improve efficiency, productivity and safety in aerospace and defense applications. Links are provided to all Altra brands supporting the aerospace and defense industries including Wichita Clutch, Industrial Clutch, Formsprag Clutch, Warner Electric, Twiflex Limited, Bibby Transmissions, Boston Gear, Nuttall Gear, Ameridrives Couplings, Kilian Manufacturing and more. A link is also included for a Literature Portal containing downloadable PDFs of application-specific product data sheets.
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