Negative leverage effect aggravates the problem
The leverage effect is extremely negative here: depending on the degree of bending, a 22+ pounds package can press an equivalent force of up to 110+ pounds on the lumbar discs of the lower spine. While these natural shock absorbers made of fibrocartilage are exceptionally tough and resilient, they age over time, and, when constantly subjected to improper strain, can wear prematurely: they shrink, the damping effect subsides and the adjacent bone tissue also changes — often with painful consequences. In the case of a slipped disc, the intervertebral disc actually ruptures, the core slips out and presses extremely painfully against the surrounding nerves.
Figure 3: The exoskeleton Japet.W consists essentially of two belts that are connected to one another by four actuators.
“If the improper strain cannot be consistently avoided, measures that provide relief must be considered,” says Japet’s Antoine Noel. In 2015, the robotics engineer, together with Amelie Blondeaux and Damien Bratic, founded the company Japet in Lille. “Our objective was to develop an active support corset for the lumbar spine. Undesirable strain should be compensated for by motor power, thereby protecting the intervertebral diiscs.”
Relief through actuators
The result of their work is the exoskeleton Japet.W. It consists essentially of two belts that are connected to one another by four actuators — two on each side of the body. The upper belt supports the back, the lower belt is seated on the hips. The actuators are so-called series-elastic actuators (SEA). They “feel” a force that is acting upon them and use their own motor power to counter it.
Figure 4: It is, above all, the excessive strain on the intervertebral discs while in a bent position that is thereby significantly reduced or avoided completely.
Their most important elements are a motor, a lead screw and a spring. A potentiometer measures the applied force, for example, if the wearer of the exoskeleton bends forward and picks up a weight. This measurement signal puts the motor, which is coupled to the drive lead screw by a gearhead, into operation. The turning of the lead screw transfers the motor power to the spring. It presses from the lower belt on the upper belt, supports the upper body and relieves the lumbar spine. With respect to the level of relief provided by the exoskeleton, the wearer can select from four levels. The controller and the battery of the device are integrated in the double belt.
“The hips experience only a slight additional strain as a result of the added pressure; they are, in any case, able to withstand even heavier weights without problem,” explains Noel. “The force that acts on the lumbar spine is, on the other hand, greatly reduced. It is, above all, the excessive strain on the intervertebral discs while in a bent position that is thereby significantly reduced or avoided completely. At the same time, the position of the upper body is also improved.”
Micromotors lift four cars
Figure 5: Because the device is, of course, worn on the body to which it is to provide relief, every gramme matters here—at 18 g per motor, the drives account for just a fraction of the total weight.
The founders of Japet first met Faulhaber at a trade fair. At that time, their company was still a technical testing lab in a side room of a clinic in northern France. The first sale was still in the distant future. In their first test devices, the three young entrepreneurs had installed inexpensive and noisy motors that could be controlled only poorly. The experts from Faulhaber took a liking to the ideas of the young engineers. They supported them with intensive consulting and prototypes of high-quality motors that could meet the needs of the demanding application. “That played a big part in making our product ready for series production,” emphasizes Noel.
In the Japet.W exoskeleton, four DC-motors with precious metal commutation of the 1524…SR series supply the supporting force for relieving the spinal column. Responsible for the load transmission are planetary gearheads of the 15A series with a reduction of 52:1. Because the device is, of course, worn on the body to which it is to provide relief, every gram matters here — at 18 g per motor, the drives account for just a fraction of the total weight. Nevertheless, they are strong enough to relieve the intervertebral discs the weight of three to four medium-sized cars over the course of a workday.