A Look at Servo Technology for Power Transmission Systems
The following article looks at the latest news on servo motors, drives and motors. How do we differentiate between the definitions? What can design engineers find between a stepper and a servo motor? Also, a quick update this summer on the benefits of closed-loop motor control.
Closed-Loop Control with Quicksilver Controls
A quick search of the patents issued, as well as a review of recent articles, shows a wide range of what authors call “servo stepper motors,” “closed-loop step motors,” “hybrid servo motors” and the like. Although the names may sound similar, the performance can vary quite substantially. Most of the “closed-loop stepper motors” are not actually servo motors! In our most recent issue, Don Labriola, president, Quicksilver Controls, looks at "Closed-Loop Control of Hybrid Motors: When is it a Servo?"
Somewhere Between Stepper and Servo Motors with Oriental Motor
Servo motor systems are expensive but great for demanding applications that require high speed, peak torque, or feedback. Stepper motors are cost-effective but do not offer the peace of mind of feedback.