Publisher's Page

June 6, 2022

Randy Stott

Publisher's Page

Don't Miss Out

We have a lot of great content planned for you over the coming months:

August 2022: Focus on Heavy Industry, with articles covering the use of power transmission components in industries like primary metals; aggregate, cement and asphalt; pulp and paper; and chemicals. We’ll talk specifically about components like mill drives, couplings, belt drives and chain drives.

September 2022: Focus on Factory Automation, with articles covering Hannover Messe USA and IMTS, along with industries such as medical, robotics and precision motion. We’ll write about components like gears, electric drives, gearmotors, servo drives and more. And we’ll touch on topics like additive manufacturing, IIoT and smart manufacturing.

October 2022: Dual Focus—Aerospace and Defense, along with Packaging. On the aerospace side, you’ll see coverage of applications like helicopters, airplanes, drones and spacecraft. For packaging, we’re highlighting Pack Expo, but we’re also covering material handling, food and beverage and more.

December 2022: Focus on Motion Control, with articles covering a wide variety of industries using components like linear motion, servo drives, controls, sensors, conveyors and more.

And that’s just the printed magazine. Between now and the end of the year, our e-mail newsletter will hit on topics like belt drives, linear motion, gearmotors, couplings, pumps, mechatronics, bearings, e-mobility, gear drives, software, condition monitoring, fluid power, lubrication, seals and much, much more. The e-mail newsletter comes out four times a month and it almost always includes online exclusive articles.

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This article appeared in the June 2022 issue.

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Both the printed magazine and the e-mail newsletter also always include coverage of our core subjects: bearings, gears, gear drives and motors. So you can count on us to keep the information flowing on the components that put the power in power transmission.

So why am I telling you all this? Because I don’t want you to miss out. In order to keep receiving this information, you have to subscribe. If you’re already a subscriber, you have to renew. You also have to specify how you want to receive the magazine (in print, digitally or both) and whether you also want to receive the e-mail newsletter.

I don’t mean to be a pest about this. I know that filling out subscription forms is nobody’s idea of fun. But we’ve done our best to keep the forms as simple and streamlined as possible, focusing on the basics of who you are and what you do.

We use your information for a number of very important purposes:

Having subscribers allows us to mail the magazine at lower rates. The U.S. Post Office calls it “Periodicals” class mail. By subscribing, you’re helping us keep costs down.

It informs our editorial process. By knowing where you work, what your job function is and what is your level of responsibility, we can better tailor our content to suit your needs.

It allows us to demonstrate to our advertisers that we continue to reach the best possible audience of people interested in power transmission and motion control.

So help us out, and don’t miss out.


P.S. We’re also always on the lookout for new contributors. If your company is doing something interesting related to one of the topics mentioned above—or if you’re interested in writing about one of them—there’s still time to get included in our editorial coverage. The best way is to contact Senior Editor Matt Jaster via e-mail at jaster@agma.org.
