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Robots are everywhere these days—
bots in the factory, bots in space, bots at the airport, bots in the movies and much, much more. But robots in the operating room?
When a bearing is damaged, it is often removed from service and replaced before it reaches its full, useful and economical life. Advancements in bearing design, materials, bearing maintenance and repair methods have greatly improved the potential for and popularity of bearing repair as an effective way to extend the life of the bearing.
Mean Time Between Failures is a very frequent and broadly used reliability measure of components, systems and devices used mainly in conjunction with electrical and electronic equipment.
Most manufacturers of shaft-mounted speed reducers offer torque arms for their products. However, in some situations, a machine designer may be required to design his own.
The issue might be a faulty treadmill at a local gym, the need to update orthopedic surgery equipment or simply a train stuck in neutral at the toy store. Whatever the case may be, viewing e-mails in the marketing department at Torque Transmission is like opening Christmas presents every morning.