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When trying to find a new bonding material dispense system, one manufacturer tested a series of pumps — all of which leaked due to the abrasiveness of the bonding material. The manufacturer also had been attempting to manage shot size
manually with their previous system, and was not able to keep dispense consistent. The company searched for
a system that could accurately dispense programmed shot sizes while also eliminating the leaking issues they
had experienced with previous pumps. Graco provided a Check-Mate pump with SmartWare software, and the manufacturer is now able to automatically dispense shots of bonding material as small as one ounce without leaks.
It's not a show title that rolls off the tongue, but the Industrial Automation North America and MDA NA @IMTS 2014 show nevertheless may well be one to remember.
Seal design engineers and end users are continually seeking improved sealing
systems and materials. This paper describes the potential of a new thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) material to deliver improvements in pressure, speed and temperature capability, which are presented as comparisons to proven industry
standard materials. Performance is demonstrated by virtue of test bench
results of seals made from MDI-, PPDI- and NDI-based materials.