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Nowadays, engineering studies should include the use of modern relevant software. For mechanical engineering students, these are mainly CADs and calculation programs.
It is a matter of concern to us to present KISSsoft to future engineers during their studies. A software cannot replace learning the calculation methods “by hand”, however, such a program can multiply the learning effect of a lecture, when it is properly used.
Universities can apply for a university license to make KISSsoft available for students. The university licenses are subject to separate commercial and licensing conditions.
Students will then receive a license key and access to the software from the responsible faculty of the school. The distribution and administration of the licenses is regulated in a university contract and is the responsibility of the school itself. University licenses and conditions can be requested from KISSsoft.
PS: Are you currently working from home and would like to deepen your know-how? Then take part in KISSsoft's free web demo on April 8. It will cover the innovations in ISO 6336, the most important standard for strength calculation of cylindrical gears. KISSsoft experts will explain the theoretical background and show you the effects of the changes using examples from wind power, EV gearboxes etc.