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Home » Matrix SMB Range Offers Reactive Market Solution
Matrix SMB Range Offers Reactive Market Solution
December 15, 2017
Matrix International has built on its formidable reputation for Servo Motor Brakes (SMB) with the introduction of its SMB range in standardized sizes. Ideal for applications where precision braking is required, the new range is optimized to conform to popular motor sizes. This offers end users an easy and prompt route to servicing the most common SMB applications.
A part of the Altra Industrial Motion Corporation, Matrix International is one of the most capable suppliers of bespoke SMB systems worldwide. Now this expertise has been applied to the standard SMB range, providing a prompt solution for precision braking applications. With compact design and low backlash, the SMB range is ideal for automated robotics, machine tools, remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and medical applications.
Drawing on the power of over 35 years’ experience, Matrix has developed the SMB range specifically for swift deployment to the servo motor market – providing effective static holding capabilities for load positioning as well as consistent dynamic torque in emergency stop situations. Through magnetic flux optimization, Matrix engineers have delivered an impressive force-to-size ratio, meaning the range is easily integrated to new and existing designs.
The SMB range also benefits from the input of another Altra brand, Svendborg Brakes. Matrix and Svendborg have collaborated to develop a new friction material specifically for the demanding and variable conditions of servo motor applications. This new material ensures that the design meets the torque, temperature and energy requirements of the SMB application. As a result, end users benefit from improved operational performance.
A dedicated in-house approach to lean manufacturing provides customers with a path to market leading performance and quality in reduced timeframes. Matrix pride themselves on the ability to manufacture and assemble all SMB components in-house, with lean principles enacted throughout the organisation to ensure a reactive response and timely delivery to customers.